In her book Nothing to Prove, Jennie Allen asks some questions I think many Christians have struggled with. 

What if we stopped doing things for God and started doing things with God? Maybe the reason you aren’t free is that you are trying so hard?

I spent a majority of my Christian life trying to do things for God, in my own effort, to please Him and live a Godly life. My striving to prove myself has always left me with an empty feeling that I’m just not enough. 

And that is the whole premise of this book. We don’t have to prove ourselves. With Jesus, we are enough. 

Just hearing that makes me feel like I can take a slow, calming breath out and rest in that truth.

He is enough so we don't have to be. #nothingtoprove Share on X

What if you had nothing to prove and you could stop trying so hard to be enough? In her book, Nothing to Prove, Jennie Allen helps readers understand that God is enough so we can stop trying to prove ourselves.

When we get to the place where we can admit our “not enoughness” that’s the point where Jesus can set us free from our striving.

I am realizing it’s not my curse that I believe I am not enough; it’s my sin that I keep trying to be.

Jennie shares her own struggles of feeling like she was not enough as a pastor’s wife, mom and ministry leader and how she was able to stop trying so hard by understanding who God is and who He says we are.

There is no remedy for your striving apart from finding your identity in Christ. He is your enough, and the degree to which you believe that, is the degree to which you will stop striving, stop performing, stop trying to prove yourself.

This book is divided into two parts. The first four chapters explore the desert of striving. 

 1. My Quiet Confession

 2. Star Charts and Backpacks

 3. Numbing Out

 4. Coming Up for Air

 The second portion focuses on “God’s Streams of Enoughness.”  

5. No Longer Thirsty–The Stream of Fulfillment

6. No Longer Lonely–The Stream of Connection

7. No Longer Tired–The Stream of Rest

8. No Longer Passive–The Stream of Risk

9. No Longer Afraid–The Stream of Hope

10. No Longer Ashamed–The Stream of Grace

11. No Longer Empty–The Stream of Calling

Final Thoughts: What Do We Believe about God?

Each of the chapters in part two opens with a retelling of a scene from the book of John where Jesus ministers to those who feel like they are not enough and reminds them that He is. Then she shares her own experiences and concludes the chapter with an “Experience Guide” which includes questions and practical applications to help readers walk in freedom.

I thought this book was very well-written and an excellent resource to help women who are tired of trying so hard to prove themselves.

I received a free copy of this book from Blogging For Books in exchange for my honest review. 

Nothing to Prove

Jennie Allen is a recovering achiever who is passionate about Jesus. She is the best-selling author of Anything and Restless, as well as the founder and visionary for the million-strong IF:Gathering, which exists to gather, equip, and unleash the next generation to live out their purpose. 

Jennie speaks frequently at conferences such as Catalyst and Q. She holds a master’s degree in biblical studies from Dallas Theological Seminary and lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband, Zac, and their four children. 



Twitter: @JennieAllen

Instagram: @JennieSAllen


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