by Valerie Murray | Dec 2, 2022 | Blog, Christmas, Faith, Health and Fitness, Marriage, Poems and Prayers |
What does faith mean to you? I used to think strong faith was optimistic, only believing in the most favorable outcomes. But over the years, I have learned that strong faith is growing faith. Strong faith seeks to believe the truth about God even when the outcome...
by Valerie Murray | Aug 29, 2022 | Blog, Facing Fear, Faith, Family, Marriage |
Have you wondered what the Bible means when it tells us to guard our hearts? What should we guard our hearts against? The greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, and mind (Mark 12:30). In order to love God with our entire self, we must...
by Valerie Murray | Jul 1, 2020 | Blog, Family, Marriage |
Have you found communication to be frustrating? Do you try to work out conflicts with your loved ones or those particularly difficult people in your life only to find yourself suddenly in a quarrel? When we find ourselves in an unexpected argument it’s easy to speak...
by Valerie Murray | Apr 18, 2020 | Blog, Book Reviews, Marriage |
In Thriving in Love and Money: 5 Game-Changing Insights about Your Relationship, Your Money, and Yourself, relationship researchers Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn discovered that money tension is not really about the money, but about how money makes us feel. 92 percent of...
by Valerie Murray | Oct 31, 2019 | Book Reviews, Marriage |
My husband and I have opposite love languages. Mine is words of affirmation and his is acts of service. We both struggle to love each other the way the other needs. We have to work at it. When I saw 100 Words of Affirmation Your Husband Needs to Hear and 100 Words of...
by Valerie Murray | Aug 9, 2019 | Blog, Faith, Family, Marriage |
Has anyone ever misjudged your actions and intentions? Feeling misunderstood can be painful! I’m afraid of being misunderstood by my fellow brothers/sisters in Christ. I often feel like I’m on high alert, being careful with everything I say and do to...
by Valerie Murray | Jun 7, 2019 | Blog, Faith, Family, Marriage |
Where do you find your peace? I’ve asked myself this question and realized I’ve spent far too much time seeking peace in the wrong place. You see, I made the mistake of thinking that if my marriage was at peace then I would be at peace. We all want our marriages to...
by Valerie Murray | Mar 8, 2019 | Blog, Marriage |
My husband and I celebrate our 23rd anniversary on March 9th! One of our songs is, No Doubt About It by Neal McCoy. The words remind me how we are opposites who need each other to balance out our weaknesses: Like a hammer and a nail, socks and...
by Valerie Murray | Mar 6, 2019 | Blog, Book Reviews, Family, Marriage |
Have hurtful words wounded you? Breaking the Power of Negative Words by author Mary C. Busha, offers steps to help remove the harmful effects of negative words and guide you to healing. Part 1— Words Spoken to Us, explores the reasons behind unkind words said to us....
by Valerie Murray | Nov 18, 2018 | About, Blog, Christmas, Marriage |
*This post contains affiliate links. See my disclosure page here. Every year I walk the aisles of my least favorite store (Home Depot) searching for stocking stuffers. I usually leave with a gift card because I never know what to buy my husband that he doesn’t already...