by Valerie Murray | Nov 12, 2018 | Blog, Christmas, Marriage |
*This post contains affiliate links. See my disclosure page here. Do you have a difficult time figuring out what to buy your man for Christmas?My husband loves Amazon! He spends a lot of time reading reviews.I got to thinking–some of his purchases would make great...
by Valerie Murray | Nov 2, 2018 | Blog, Christmas, Marriage |
Have you ever noticed how you think about your husband/wife? Are your thoughts mostly positive or negative? Sometimes we zone in on the things about our spouse that annoy, irritate or hurt us. When this happens, it can be difficult to see the efforts they are making,...
by Valerie Murray | Jul 24, 2018 | Blog, Marriage |
Today is the last day of the summer sizzle blog hop. It’s my honor to introduce you to my friend Carmen Brown, who writes at Carmen’s love for the Lord shines right through her. She’s a godly woman who lives her life with...
by Valerie Murray | Jun 11, 2018 | Blog, Family, Marriage |
It’s the second week of the Summer Sizzle Blog Hop! I’m excited to introduce you to my friend Nicki Schroeder who has been a great encouragement to me! She writes at Showered in Grace to help women find joy during our busy and often messy lives. She is...
by Valerie Murray | May 11, 2018 | Blog, Book Reviews, Family, Marriage, Parenting |
In Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt, Pastor Jentezen Franklin cheers us on to fight for our relationships with unconditional love and forgiveness. He uses his own story of personal pain to help others find the courage to love like they’ve never been hurt. During a...
by Valerie Murray | May 4, 2018 | Blog, Marriage |
I was tired of being mad at my spouse. I was tired of allowing hurt feelings to consume me. Tired of being easily offended. I wanted to be at peace. I wanted healing for the broken places in my marriage. One day I poured out my heart before the Lord and told Him I...
by Valerie Murray | Apr 27, 2018 | Blog, Book Reviews, Family, Marriage, Parenting |
“Die to pride, die to self, die to agendas, die to comfort, die to ease–and your life explodes with abundant life. Unexpectedly, the secret to abundance is not about self–but about dying to self.” Learning to love as Christ my Lord has loved me, has been a constant...
by Valerie Murray | Apr 17, 2018 | Blog, Book Reviews, Marriage |
Do you feel desperate for real help in your difficult marriage? In Loving Your Spouse When You Feel Like Walking Away, author Gary Chapman talks about how to deal with a spouse who is irresponsible; a workaholic; controlling; uncommunicative; verbally, physically, or...
by Valerie Murray | Feb 2, 2018 | Blog, Faith, Family, Marriage |
Are you like me—quick to measure how you’re being loved by others? It’s easy to tally up the ways someone has let me down by not loving me the way I thought they should. My pride often keeps me from seeing the many ways my love also falls short. I listened to a...
by Valerie Murray | Oct 13, 2017 | Blog, Faith, Marriage |
Habakkuk 2:1I will stand on my guard postAnd station myself on the ramparts;And I will keep watch to see what He will speak to me.Are you in the midst of marital struggle? Have you been praying for answers for your troubled marriage but still feel unsure about how to...