Breaking Anxiety's Grip by Dr. Michelle Bengtson shares how to find peace in the promises of Christ when worry, fear, and anxiety threaten to take hold.


Have you felt gripped by worry, fear, and anxiety?  Dr. Michelle Bengtson’s latest book,  Breaking Anxiety’s Grip, is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn how to reclaim God’s peace in your life.

Dr. Michelle explains how worry, fear, and anxiety are counterproductive to our physical health, our emotional well-being, and our relationship with God. Worry has become like the common cold. We expect it. Adapt our lives to it. And the next thing we know, it becomes a normal part of our lives.

“His instruction to “fear not” underscores that worry, anxiety, and fear cannot be tolerated as the norm.”

This book offers helpful information and practical steps so you can learn to trust God even when you’re tempted to worry. Dr. Michelle is a board-certified neuropsychologist with more than twenty-five years of experience in the mental health field. But she doesn’t just offer her expertise, she empathizes with others because she’s been tempted to give in to fear.  Cancer, hurricanes, and the loss of loved ones threatened to steal her joy and peace.

“There is no peace apart from God. He provides our peace and is our peace.”

As someone who struggles with anxiety, every chapter hit home for me. I thought this book was a comprehensive perspective on the subject. She explains the difference between worry, fear, and anxiety and it’s contributors. Our thoughts can either feed our worries or solidify our trust in God. I loved the practical ways Dr. Michelle provides to help Christians learn how to have thoughts that help us live in faith instead of fear.

I appreciated the chapter on worry where she helps us think about the importance of living in the present.

“Peace comes from living in the present and remembering what has already been accomplished in the past to assure us of our future.”

Breaking Anxiety's Grip by Dr. Michelle Bengtson shares how to find peace in the promises of Christ when worry, fear, and anxiety threaten to take hold.


When we worry we focus on our problems instead of the Problem-Solver! #BreakingAnxiety'sGripBook @MichelleBengtson Share on X

Breaking Anxiety's Grip by Dr. Michelle Bengtson shares how to find peace in the promises of Christ when worry, fear, and anxiety threaten to take hold.

It’s easy to get caught up in our everyday worries when life pulls us in so many different directions. I loved the example she gave of Jesus:

“We never see Jesus worried or hurried. He had enough ministry needs to meet to last multiple lifetimes, yet he had only three years to complete the work the Father sent him to do. He wasn’t ruled by to-do lists or public perception. Never once did he rush to get more done. WE never read of him running to his next divine appointment. Rather, Jesus walked at a pace that was sustainable. He simply did the next thing his Father told him to do, and that was enough.”

This is a book I plan to keep and read again when unpleasant feelings of anxiety take hold of me. It’s packed full of quotes you’ll want to highlight and remember. Here are a few more I loved.

 “It’s physiologically impossible to be relaxed (at peace) and anxious at the same time. When we entertain worry, anxiety, and fear, we sacrifice our peace.”

“Fear gives more credit to Satan’s power than to God’s”

“When self-protection is our goal, there’s no room for trusting God’s protective love.”

“When you battle with worry, anxiety, or fear, talk back to it! Declare it has no useful place in your life, and you won’t receive it, and it must go, in Jesus’s name.”

“Faith entails having the courage to give God control.”


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