In Want + Plenty: Waking Up to God’s Provision in a Land of Longing
author and licensed counselor Meredith McDaniel, encourages us to discover God’s provision in life when our hearts ache for more. Using the story in Exodus, readers will find themselves on their own similar journey as the Israelites, finding God’s goodness, grace, and protection in the desert places of their lives.
McDaniel retells the journey of the Israelites out of Egypt to the promised land. Each chapter includes her client’s stories as well as her own life experiences. Reflective questions throughout help you journal your thoughts and dig deeper.
Sometimes it’s easy to miss God’s provision when we’re determined to get what we think we need. This book gently shifts our perspective to see the ways God has been providing for us all along.

The Israelites were getting caught up in how they felt and forgot how God provided for them along the way. When they were thirsty and hungry God turned the bitter water sweet and gave them manna to eat. God showed up in the form of a fire and cloud to guide them through the desert.

“God’s provision is full of mystery and requires an element of trust we are not always willing to lean into.”
Although God’s provision hardly ever looked they way they thought it would, the Israelites were always provided for.

And just like the Israelites wavered back and forth between trust and distrust, our faith often wavers as well.
I thought this book was a gentle guide and helped me see how God always provides even when life doesn’t make sense.
“Life should not be a burden we have to bear until we get to heaven. We can experience joy even while, or especially while, we work every day. When we step into our calling, joy follows.