Do you have an anxious heart?

Have you ever woken up with a heavy heart? Sometimes I wake up and the thought of getting through the day feels like drudgery. I feel burdened and I don’t even know why. This verse encouraged me and I knew I wanted to share it with you.

What is the antidote for the poison of an anxious heart?

The Bible says it’s aย kindย word. A kind word cheers you up. We all long to be noticed and loved. When I am feeling down and someone shows kindness to me, my day doesn’t seem so overwhelming. When I show kindness to my children in the morning it snaps me out of the morning blues.

Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart. Share on X

It’s really hard to be grumpy and kind at the same time, isn’t it? Showing kindness requires action and the action of being kind causes a change in our attitude.

I recently watched an inspiring movie, Where Hope Grows. It’s about a former professional baseball player who struggles with alcohol and is not happy with his life–until he meets Produce, a ย cheerful young man with Down syndrome who works at the local grocery store.

In one scene, Produce asks Calvin how he is doing. ย After first giving the standard “fine,”ย  he walks back to Produce and says, “Produce, I’m not fine.”

Then Produce responds, “even when I’m doing bad I’m doing good. Maybe you just need to smile. A cheerful heart is good medicine.”

A cheerful heart is good medicine. Proverbs 16:22 Share on X

ย So when you are feeling burdened, try saying something kind to your family members. Smile. Tell your children why you appreciate them. Give your spouse a kiss on the cheek and thank them for working so hard.
God will often lift your heavy heart with the truth in His word!

Print the verse here!

What is the antidote for the poison of an anxious heart?

Are you feeling stressed? I hope this prayer helps you.

What about you? What’s your remedy for an anxious heart?


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