Do you have an anxious heart?
Have you ever woken up with a heavy heart? Sometimes I wake up and the thought of getting through the day feels like drudgery. I feel burdened and I don’t even know why. This verse encouraged me and I knew I wanted to share it with you.
What is the antidote for the poison of an anxious heart?
The Bible says it’s aย kindย word. A kind word cheers you up. We all long to be noticed and loved. When I am feeling down and someone shows kindness to me, my day doesn’t seem so overwhelming. When I show kindness to my children in the morning it snaps me out of the morning blues.
Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart. Share on X
It’s really hard to be grumpy and kind at the same time, isn’t it? Showing kindness requires action and the action of being kind causes a change in our attitude.
I recently watched an inspiring movie, Where Hope Grows. It’s about a former professional baseball player who struggles with alcohol and is not happy with his life–until he meets Produce, a ย cheerful young man with Down syndrome who works at the local grocery store.
In one scene, Produce asks Calvin how he is doing. ย After first giving the standard “fine,”ย he walks back to Produce and says, “Produce, I’m not fine.”
Then Produce responds, “even when I’m doing bad I’m doing good. Maybe you just need to smile. A cheerful heart is good medicine.”
A cheerful heart is good medicine. Proverbs 16:22 Share on X
ย So when you are feeling burdened, try saying something kind to your family members. Smile. Tell your children why you appreciate them. Give your spouse a kiss on the cheek and thank them for working so hard.
God will often lift your heavy heart with the truth in His word!
Print the verse here!
Are you feeling stressed? I hope this prayer helps you.
What about you? What’s your remedy for an anxious heart?
This is wonderful and has so much truth! I think it’s important to note, though, that sometimes anxiety (like depression) is caused by chemical imbalances in our bodies or extremely hard circumstances and getting professional help doesn’t mean that we’re not being Godly or aren’t following scripture.
Hi Susannah,
I really appreciate your comment because I do agree that anxiety can be something that we can’t control no matter how hard we try, how kind we are, or how much we pray. Sometimes seeking professional help and finding the right medicine is vital. It can be a long journey to healing and a painful road. I watched my husband go through it for many years. Now finally, he was able to find a medicine that is really helping him. I pray that those who are suffering from anxiety and depression are able to find the answers and help they need to feel better.
It’s amazing the difference a little kindness can make! We tend to write it off, but when we are being kind, it makes a huge difference!
Hi Tara,
Thank you for visiting. It’s true that a little kindness can go a long way.
We’ve been dealing with some anxiety in our home over a medical study my son is in. God’s love and peace is our greatest source of comfort. Our kids all know the verse, “Cast all your anxieties upon Him because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7. We would love for you to link up this post with us at the Literacy Musing Mondays Linkup #LMMLinkup
I’m so sorry that you’ve been dealing with anxiety. I pray that you would feel God’s peace and comfort. I just linked up my post today to Literacy Musing Mondays. Thank you so much for inviting me. I’ll be over to get my button soon
Yes! I have a pretty anxious spirit and I know that when I’m not rooted in Scripture, I tend to get even more anxious, stressed and worried. Thanks for sharing!
It’s amazing how God’s word can help us be at peace. Thank you for stopping by Victoria!
As someone who suffers with anxiety, I completely agree. A kind word makes all the difference!
Christia, I’m so glad that you’ve found this to help too. I know that it’s not the only answer for anxiety, but it can help. I really appreciate your kind words.
So much truth in your words! I have gotten better and taking deep breaths and praying, and allowing God to work in and through me!
Yes, it’s so important to pray in order to still our minds. God bless you!
Yes, It really is hard to be grumpy and kind at the same time. Thank you for the simple reminder of the importance of being kind to others. I love your challenge of saying something kind to others when we are feeling burdened. Our family is going to try this out ๐
Hi, Jed! It’s not always easy, but it has helped me when I’ve needed to get out of a grumpy mood. Thank you for your kind words.
This is a beautiful post! I love the printable verse as well…such a great one to wrap your heart around!
I’m so glad that you stopped by. Thank you!
Amazing how a kind word lightens our heart.
Thank you for this uplifting post.
God bless
Hello Ifeoma,
Thank you so much for your comment. It’s always great to hear from you.
We can overcome when we are intentional in changing our outlook or view…I know anxiety well and it takes some real deliberate decisions to move (or drag!) yourself out of it! It can be hard work, but it’s worth it.
I know what you mean, Helen! I’ve had to force myself to move through anxiety and it’s not easy. Thank you so much for sharing!
What a timely post for me to read! ๐ Last night I was so very worried about several issues and I could NOT sleep! Soon the minutes turned to hours and I realized that I’d been worrying over something I could do nothing about – so silly! Thank you for this post!
Thank you, Danielle! It’s so easy to let worry take over our minds and let it affect our moods. I pray that your issues will work out and that you will continue to find peace and rest.
So much truth here, Valerie. I’m also trying to remember to speak kind words to myself when I’m feeling discouraged and anxious. Truths from God’s Word. It’s so easy to spiral south once anxiety or discouragement set in. And you’re right, somehow encouraging others lifts my spirits as well. Many blessings my friend!
Your words are always encouraging to me Deb! Thank you!
Isn’t it amazing how a good word can cheer a hurting or an anxious heart, Valerie?
Thank you for being such a sweet source of encouragement in my life.
Thank you for taking the time to regularly speak words of life!
You are a blessing~
You are such a great example of someone who takes the time to show they care and offer a kind word! I appreciate you!
What a beautifully written post. If it is okay with you, I would like to add this post to my weekend link post on Saturday.
I would be honored Suzette! Thank you!
I am totally with you on this one Valerie. When I am having a day and feel grumpy, I have to be intentional with making a kind word or love flow from my heart and it turns around. It brings a smile to my face and heart. Thank you for sharing with us at Sitting Among Friends on Wednesdays. I look forward to seeing you again next week.
Thank you for your kind words Jaime!
It really is nearly impossibly to be both grumpy & kind. Kindness is such a practical way of pulling ourselves out of a slump. I’ll be remembering this line. It’s something that I not only want to practice myself, being kind to others, is also a life-skill I also want to pass on to all of my kiddos ๐
Thank you Jed. It sure is a life-skill that’s important to pass on to our children.
My remedy for an anxious heart is to get my mind off of myself and onto Christ!
That sure is key! Thank you for sharing!
Hi Valerie… I found you via the Tuesday Talk link-up. What a powerful post. I have found that a smile and a kind word does wonders. When I walk my dog, I find that a “hello” or “good morning” to passersby (and a wiggle/wag from my golden retriever) makes us feel good inside. (Yes, I’m speaking for my dog.) I hope that the other person is feeling good – I leave that to Jesus to work on. ๐
I love that you say hello to those passing by. You never know when that kind word will cheer someone up.
This is exactly what God wanted me to hear today. When we choose to focus on others rather than ourselves and our current issues, we love as God wants us to love.
I’m so glad this was encouraging to you today Penny! I need the reminder often myself.
So true! I can be in such a funk and when I hear a kind word from a stranger, friend or my children my whole day can turn around. My perspective gets put in the right place when i choose joy.Its not always easy but your right, saying a kind word even when we don’t feel like it can change how we feel. Linking up with you at #wordswithwinter ๐
Rebekah, I feel the same way. When someone is kind to me my perspective changes! Thank you for visiting!
Now I want to see that movie! It sounds like a good one. This is so true- showing kindness to others really does help an anxious heart.
Thank you Dawn! Yes, it was a great movie!
So often our immediate response to anxiety is to pull inward. Your words (and scripture!) give us the exact opposite counsel, and I appreciate your clear presentation of the truth!
Thank you Michele!I appreciate your kind words!
what a wonderful reminder & one my heart needed to hear this. It seemed like everything was falling on my shoulders this week and I had to take a step back and realize not to become axious but give it to Jesus. Being reminding to use kind words instead of grumpiness or even stressed expressions is the way to speak and act!
Kristi, I am so glad you were encouraged. I hope that your week is less stressful! God bless you!
We need to check out Where Hope Grows. It sounds like a great movie! My wife in particular loves those kinds of movies. Kindness can indeed do wonders. This reminds me of a song by TobyMac entitled “Speak Life”. This post is a great reminder to speak life into people’s lives and encourage others!
Thank you Jonathan! It is a great movie! I love the song “Speak Life” too!
Hi Valerie ๐
I loved that movie and I loved this post! Kind words go so far. It is amazing how simple it really is, but such a difficult thing for many to do! I’ve been talking about this a lot with my kiddos … like … their whole lives! They are encourages and so kind with the world, but not with each other! Ugh!
Thank you so much for another wonderful post!
Blessings and big smiles,
Hi Lori! You are right, it’s so simple but sometimes hard to do. I’m with you on the sibling rivalry thing too. Thank you for always being so kind to leave a nice comment.
I definitely agree. When I’m feeling upset, the best thing in the world is to try and cheer *someone else* up. ๐ Works every time.
I’ve been trying to put this into practice and found that it works too Marie:)
Great advice! When we focus on others, we don’t think too much about our own problems.
Thanks for this wonderful, post! You are so right that a kind word can do so much to change our attitude quickly. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for your kind comment Christine! Have a great weekend!
It never ceases to amaze me when someone shares a kind word unexpectedly with me. The smiles come easier after a kind word, that is for sure.
Oh, what a lovely post. I needed this reminder to pull myself out of the doldrums.
I’m glad it encouraged you Mary! Have a great weekend.
This is very good. When we look outside ourselves to make someone else’s day better, ours will inevitably get better as well.
Yes, Miranda. I have been “testing” this too and it totally changes my outlook and mood. Thank you for visiting!
God is our only attitude for our anxiety, stress…whatever….
So true Andi!
Cast all our cares on the Lord. Anxiety is Satan’s tool to distract us from Christ. When we center ourselves on him we have no angst. ๐
Amen to that Brianna!
I love that blessings and kindness stop all anxiety and jealousy!
Yes, it’s hard to be kind and jealous at the same time.