Guest Post by Sarah Frazer

lessons from chickens

I’m the crazy chicken lady. I know I am and I don’t care. I love them because they teach me so much. From resting and sticking together. From accepting friendship to standing in the gap for someone.
The biggest lesson I’ve learned this year is daily provision. Everyday one of my kids runs outside and looks into their coop to check for eggs. So far only three are laying. We have six total chickens, but the other three are younger. They should be laying in a couple of weeks. Everyday we get three eggs.  Everyday. 
When my son returned with two brown eggs and one white yesterday, I washed them in the sink. Then I placed them into the Styrofoam container in the refrigerator and realized we had fourteen eggs.
Three a day doesn’t seem like a lot, but after a week, it adds up. By the way, I had no idea fresh eggs tasted way better than store-bought eggs. 

For 2017 I’ve decided to read and study mainly just the book of Psalms. Usually I only read it when I’m deep in the pit. This beautiful poetic book has given me comfort, strength, and peace during many difficult times.
Although this year has been hard, with adoption #2, it hasn’t been nearly as hard as other years. But I’ve found I still love this book, even when the storms aren’t pressing. 
When I was reading, I found so many psalms dealing with how God is enough. We can see His provision clearly when the waters of depression, anxiety, or life seems to drown us. But what about when life is good? Do we still acknowledge His provision?  
Did you know we can learn life lessons from chickens? Sarah Frazer shares about God's provision and care for us.l
I’m guilty of forgetting to thank Him for the good days. Forgetting to praise Him for the calm waters. I recently wrote down all of the chapters in psalms that deals with God’s provision.
I found eleven (I’m sure there are more). My favorite is Psalm 73. In the beginning of the psalm, the author struggles with understanding why so many evil people prosper. Where is God when evil wins? His answer is in the last four verses: 
Whom have I in heaven but You?
And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You.
My flesh and my heart fail;
But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
For indeed, those who are far from You shall perish;
You have destroyed all those who desert You for harlotry.
But it is good for me to draw near to God;
I have put my trust in the Lord GOD,
That I may declare all Your works.
In the daily, with my chickens, I’ve found they don’t need much. They need food, water, and some bugs. They don’t go frantic when I’ve not fed them all day. They simply sit on their perch in the coop and roost. They trust me.
Before, when they were younger, they would run from all of us, scared and timid. Now, they know us. And me especially. I don’t try to pick them up or handle them. They also know I feed them. So they will follow me around the yard, whether they need fed or not. 
God will always prove true to the test of trust. The trust of God is where we find provision. In the daily, communing, walking, and drawing near to God, it is here we find our portion for the day. I’ve decided I need my Bible daily because everyday I need to choose to trust God. 
When our life feels empty, like we are struggling to understand the pain, God is enough. 
When our world shatters, leaving us heartbroken, God is enough. 
When death suddenly appears, God is enough. 
When sorrow is mingled with joy, God is enough. 
I know this because no matter my feelings, God shows up when I read His word. How is your Bible reading? Do you dig deep into God’s Word? If you are struggling with staying consistent, or need some encouragement on how to study the Bible.
I’ve created a brand new workbook. In it you will find four different ways to study scripture. No matter if you’ve just picked up your Bible after 15 years or you are a 15-year veteran, you will find a good method to use today.
And for those of you who don’t know where to start reading, I’ve included some great reading plans to get you going. Check it out here. (Let me know if you want an affiliate link to put here, otherwise, here is the link:
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