So then, banish anxiety from your heart

And cast off the troubles of your body.

Ecclesiastes 11:10

Is your first thought like mine when you read this verse, I wish it was that easy!  While it may sound like we can banish anxiety like the flip of a switch, we all know healing is a process and takes time. I’ve been researching this topic and I found the Bible teaches us how to banish fear and anxiety! Stay tuned for future posts on this topic.

Today, I’d like to explore Ecclesiastes 11:10 because it gives some reasons why we should “banish” anxiety.

In Ecclesiastes Solomon encourages us to enjoy life without allowing anxiety to weigh us down. Read 5 Powerful Reasons to Banish Anxiety.


Life is Short

Do you feel like you’ve worried way too much of your life away? I’m 50, and I sure wish it didn’t take me this long to realize life is just too short and precious to waste my time worrying.

Just before writing this verse, Solomon encourages young people to enjoy life. He points out that youth is meaningless if we allow anxiety to rule our hearts.

However many years anyone may live,

Let them enjoy them all. (Ecclesiastes 11:8)

You who are young, be happy while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see. But know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment. (Ecclesiastes 11:9-9)

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12)

When I was younger, I was too scared to banish anxiety because that meant I’d have to admit I had a problem with it. Then I’d have to do something about it.

I was afraid of letting my weakness show. I didn’t want people to think I was stupid, incapable, or ungodly. While it may feel easier to live in denial, there’s no freedom in it. I was also afraid to face my fears because it felt impossible and too scary. But God wanted me to trust Him with my deepest fears.

We find freedom when we admit our inadequacy and allow Christ's adequacy to shine through us. Share on X

Pride wants to hide sin. When we accept God’s grace and forgiveness, we learn to trust God and let go of pride. 

The key to change is having the desire to trust in God by being willing to face your fears. Share on X

In Ecclesiastes Solomon encourages us to enjoy life without allowing anxiety to weigh us down. Read 5 Powerful Reasons to Banish Anxiety.

So You Can Fear the Lord

When we fear God we have a correct understanding of who God is. We enjoy the blessings God gives us without being foolish. Solomon emphasizes how those who fear the Lord are best suited to enjoy life. He encouraged youth to stop fixating on their problems because the joy of youth is too fleeting to squander. If we are allowing fear to rule our hearts, then we are not fearing/trusting in God.

Anxiety affects Your Heart

An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up. (Proverbs 12:25).

Say to those with fearful hearts “Be strong, do not fear, you God will come.” (Isaiah 35:4)

Being weighed down is the opposite of living in freedom. It’s hard to enjoy life when you’re walking around with a worried heart. 

Anxiety affects Your Physical Body

Have you noticed it’s hard to hide anxiety? When I’m anxious, other people notice. It shows in my facial expressions, body language, and the way I treat others. 

Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28-30)

A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body. (Proverbs 14:30)

Ecclesiastes says we should cast off the troubles of our body. This article shares how anxiety affects your heart, stomach, libido, blood pressure, muscles, mood, stomach, and breathing. When we turn to Jesus, he will help us find rest and peace. 

Anxiety Affects Your Trust in God

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5).

When I am afraid, I put my trust in You. Psalm 56:3

Usually, when I’m anxious,  I’m in my head thinking about the magnitude of my circumstance instead of the magnitude of God. When anxiety starts to take over, the Bible says we should focus on trusting in the Lord. When we learn what it means to fear the Lord, we’ll also learn to trust in the Lord. 

As we learn to trust in God, the Lord helps us heal from the inside out (spiritually, emotionally, and physically).

One way to ease anxiety is to take our thoughts captive.

We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5)

I’ve written a letter to banish anxiety. It felt therapeutic to speak about God’s control over my anxiety.

I’ve included a blank template for you to type your own, I Banish You Anxiety letter. Tell fear and anxiety about how it has affected your heart, mind, and body.

Tell me why you want to banish anxiety in the comments below.

*Note: This is a letter to banish the Spirit of Fear. Some fear is meant to help protect us from danger. Read about three types of fear here and discover both healthy and unhealthy responses to fear.

Also, stay tuned for another post about how to tell the difference between fear and anxiety. Sign up for the Courageous Faith Newsletter to receive the latest posts in your inbox.

Anxiety, I Banish You!

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