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Horace Williams has experienced the power of prayer first-hand. Six years ago he suffered a major stroke that paralyzed his entire left side. He was in constant pain and didn’t know if he would ever walk again.
He wrote Unleash the Power of Prayer: A Power That Transforms Lives using only one hand. His book won the 2017 bronze medal in the Christian-Non-fiction category from Reader’s’ Favorites!
I have gotten pretty good at typing with my right hand to share the truths of God’s word. I see God working in my life as He hears my prayers for strength and help to walk again. I do not focus on what has not happened yet. I thank God every day for blessing me with the opportunity to see the sunrise each morning and continuing to heal my body but also transform my heart.
I got to know Horace in a conversation on my blog post What It’s Like To Be Afraid to Drive. He left a comment about trusting God with his uneasiness about driving again after having his stroke. His positive attitude has always encouraged me and his love for God is evident in everything he writes.
When you seek God in prayer, come to Him selflessly with a desire to hear from Him. Let Him shower you with His wisdom and the direction only He can provide.
This short 62-page book is a thorough guide about prayer. It’s great for both Christians and non-Christians because he explains the fundamentals of prayer so well.
He answers the questions: Whom is prayer for? Why should I pray? When should I pray? What do I need to pray effectively? How does forgiveness affect my prayer life? How can I be sure God hears my prayers? How does the power of prayer transform lives?
I wanted to ask Horace a few questions to see how he got through such a difficult time. His answers show his great faith and God’s amazing love.
Horace, can you describe what happened when you had your stroke?
My stroke occurred in the office at work after coming out of a marketing meeting.
How did the stroke change your life, both physically and spiritually?
At the time of the stroke, every joint on my left side became paralyzed. I still battle nerve pain and weakness on my left side to this day. Spiritually, it awakened me to my utter dependence on God, and my responsibility to live for Him so that He is glorified.
When you realized you were paralyzed on your left side, what was your initial reaction?
FEAR! That was the first thing I felt in the hospital when I awakened. My right leg was tethered to the bed to prevent blood clotting, and I could not move my left side.
So, I was unable to even sit up. I just yelled out, “Help” and then the nurse came. She went and got the doctor and he told me what had happened.
How did you cope with the devastating news?
Prayer. My co-workers, family, and friends had limited access to me in ICU. I spent most of my time talking with God and trying to recite Psalm 23 to myself for encouragement.
Can you describe a moment when God ministered to you in your pain?
In the hospital late at night, God would speak to me via the Christian radio that was constantly on.
Even at the rehab facility, my mother would make sure that the radio was on. I could not move much, so I could not have turned it off if I wanted to.
I was being force fed a bounty of inspiring bible teachings and worship songs. That was my first introduction to hearing Kari Jobe praise God with her music.
What would you tell someone that has recently experienced a stroke or a similar life-altering illness?
Keep your eyes on Christ. I know it seems simple, but it is true. Everything happens for a reason, and God is working things out for good.(Romans 8:28)
It does not mean that everything will always make sense, but God asks you to trust Him.
If not for my stroke, I would have continued down a path that did not involve Christ in the least. Now I have an intimate relationship with my Savior.
Things are far from ideal even now, but my hope is in Jesus! Can you think of anyone better to put your hope in?
What was the most encouraging thing someone said/did that helped you during your recovery?
Once I was given the diagnosis from the doctor, my mother asked if I was going to be okay. The doctor said to us, “Your son will never be the same.”
We did not cry but my mother looked lovingly at me and quoted,
For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity, plans to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11.
Hope is what I needed at that moment, and God’s word gave it to me in spades via the loving whispers of my mother!
I also love verses 12 and 13 of that same chapter. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. you will seek me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
What great promises from God!
What has been the hardest part of recovery? Where are you now in your recovery?
The hardest part is not giving up and being so dependent on others. This has been the most humbling experience of my life.
God continues to develop my humility not only towards Himself but towards others.
It is always hard to ask for help or admit I need it at times, but God continues to bring people alongside to help and encourage.
The pain is something I wish I had gotten used to by now. God continues to bless me with His grace, comfort, and healing.
How can we pray for you?
Please pray for continued healing and wisdom. I still drop a lot of things when I try to hold them in my left hand.
The nerve pain sometimes prevents me from writing and sharing what God continues to do in my life.
Lord willing, He will allow me to write future books. He has inspired me with book titles, scriptures, and an outline for the books. I will wait for His guidance to move forward on them.
Prayer is the conduit by which you can access God’s power and see it manifest in your life and the lives of people all over the world.
Valerie, I enjoyed learning more about Horace. Thank you both for inspiring me today.
Thank you for the encouraging words you left on my site Debbie. I feel so blessed that Valerie wanted to share this review on her site. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you and yours.
I left here so grateful for how God meets us and spares no opportunity to reach us in our deepest need. Horace, your story is so very encouraging and hope-filled.
I’m so glad this encouraged you. Horace’s testimony is sure inspiring!
Amen Crystal. So thankful for God’s grace and that He continued to pursue me until I was willing to surrender to Him. Have a wonderful weekend and may God bless you and yours.
Horace, thank you so much for sharing your journey with us here today. I was so inspired by how your mother handled those words from the doctor that day. It made me cry when I read it! Thank you for continuing to do the work the Lord has called you to do. Writing a book is not easy under any circumstances and the tenacity you have to keep going while you struggle with the aftermath of the stroke is amazing. May God continue to bless you and your ministry! Valerie, thanks so much for sharing Horace’s book and story with us today!
Thank you Leslie for your kind words of encouragement. I still remember to this day those haunting words from the doctor. God continues to grant me the strength and courage to share my testimony of faith. I am humbled and thankful that He has given me the opportunity to do something I love while glorifying Him in the process. Thank you Valerie for sharing my book with your community. It has been such an inspiration to me. I hope you both have a wonderful week and blessings to you and your families.
Prayer is such an incredible gift! I will need to check this book out. Blessed to be your neighbor at the Ra Ra Linkup today.
Thank you for stopping by from the link-up Tara. Have a great day!
Horace, I’m certainly looking forward to reading more of your words, whether via your blog or in the pages of another book. I’m so glad God continues to use your life story to inspire and encourage others. What a blessing you are!
Thanks for featuring Horace here today, Valerie!
Horace is such a blessing to many, isn’t he Marva? It was a joy to read his book and find out more about what he went through and how his faith grew stronger through it.
Thank you for the words of encouragement Marva. I look forward to getting back to writing soon. I’m trusting God’s leading regarding my next book? I’m humbled that He has allowed me the platform to share my testimony of faith. Be well friend and God bless you and your family
Thank you so much Valerie for offering to write this blog post. I so appreciate the review on Amazon as well. It is my hope that God will bless all who read this book and they are inspired to pray with purpose. I’m glad you enjoyed reading it yourself. From one prayer warrior to another, prayer has transformed my relationship with Jesus. What a privilege to be able to talk with God. Thank you you again for your support and encouragement. God’s timing is perfect. Be well friend, and may God continue to bless you and your family in all your endeavors.
Horace, thank you for being a Godly man and using your life and all that you’ve been through to lead others to a deeper prayer life. May your book bless and reach people all around the world. I pray the Lord gives you strength so you can write your next book!