Have you ever noticed how you think about your husband/wife? Are your thoughts mostly positive or negative?

Sometimes we zone in on the things about our spouse that annoy, irritate or hurt us. When this happens, it can be difficult to see the efforts they are making, the ways they are showing love to us, or the qualities about them that are good.

I know my husband loves me, it’s just he may not always know how to show his love in the ways I hope. That’s why I decided to make a daily list of all the things my husband did to care for me. It helped change my perspective and be thankful.

Let’s pray for our spouse with joy.

This prayer is an excerpt from 31 Days of Mending Marriage Prayers. Sign up below to receive all 31 automated prayers sent daily to your inbox.

A Prayer of Thanksgiving For My Spouse

Lord, __ years ago I said the words “I do” and committed to loving my spouse through better or worse.

Through the years we have seen better and worse. But somehow the worse has clouded my eyes and sometimes I only see the things I don’t like about my spouse instead of the things that have been a blessing to me. And so today, I ask for your forgiveness and cleansing for not being thankful and seeing the true blessing my partner is to me.

Lord, right now I want to thank you specifically for these things that my spouse does to show his/her love for me. (think of 10 things and write them down). Thank you for all of the good times we have spent together and the memories we’ve made. Thank you that he/she is (list 10 good qualities about them).

Thank you for our marriage. Thank you for (name of spouse). I pray for him/her with joy in my heart.

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31 Days of Mending Marriage Prayers will help you restore the broken places in your heart as you pray for God to mend your marriage in specific areas. FREE! A daily prayer sent to your inbox–each based on a scripture verse to help you grow in learning to love your spouse with grace.

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