A Prayer of Faith for 2019

Heavenly Father,

As I take the next step and wonder what lies ahead, I’m thankful for Your hand that steadies me. You spoke this world into being, painted the evergreens, gave life to the chirping birds speaking to me from their perch of leafless branches. The wind-chimes join in their song and the weight of anxiety escapes its hold. You are ever before me.  You are always near.

Where there was once the fear of what lies ahead— a dread of something bad around the corner—instead I see how you light my way. I don’t know what dark tunnels I will go through this year, but I know my hope is in You.

Do you wonder what the new year will bring? Step into 2019 with this Prayer of Faith.


Do you wonder what the new year will bring? Step into 2019 with this Prayer of Faith.

I will listen to Your voice and follow where You lead. I will not go back to fearful ways that keep me stuck. I will go forward when going forward is necessary— even when I’m afraid.

Do you wonder what the new year will bring? Step into 2019 with this Prayer of Faith.

I may see signs cautioning my way ahead, tempting me to retreat. But I know the risk in facing fear is not greater than deliverance from their grip on me. And I choose deliverance. I choose freedom. 

Do you wonder what the new year will bring? Step into 2019 with this Prayer of Faith.

When I take the next step, I’ll discover the narrow bridge isn’t as narrow as I thought. I will come through to the other side stronger because You walk both beside and ahead of me.

There’s no discovery without a journey. No victory without a fight.


Do you want to trust God with your future? Here's a prayer of faith to help you trust God to lead the way.



Watch this video 

You show me the sparrows in the tree. It’s Your way of letting me know how much You love me. This bird is perched above the sound of the freeway. And Your message is not lost to me.

 (click the image above). My fears race beside me and sometimes their anxious thoughts speed through my mind. But they are always quieted by your love that cares for me. You, who rise above all insecurity and fear. You enable me to rise above. And I do.

Do you wonder what the new year will bring? Step into 2019 with this Prayer of Faith.

Holy Spirit, speak your wisdom into my life so I know when to move forward and when to pause.  Help me rest in Your love and trust in Your guidance, no matter what tunnels I go through or what narrow bridges caution my way ahead.

You— who name each and every star, You made me who I am. You see into the depths of my soul and know all my sin. Still– You love me. You forgive me.

Your love sets me free. Free to soar like the birds and sing songs of joy in the morning.

In You, I am safe and secure. I am found. Forever loved. Always guided. And never alone.

I will hold fast to You every single day of this new year. 

You are my strength and song.

You are my Savior. And I love You, Lord.




Do you wonder what the new year will bring? Step into 2019 with this Prayer of Faith.




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