Are you afraid to walk through the doors God opens in your life? Here are 25 Bible verses to help you take the next step!

When my children took their first wobbling steps, I held out my arms and couldn’t wait for them to reach my embrace. I was the paparazzi. I praised each step in my high-pitched mommy voice and encouraged them to keep on walking.

I believe God does the same with us. He’s our loving Father who can’t wait to see us take another step of faith and He rejoices over us when we do!

The best way to battle fear is to take the next step. Share on X

Sometimes though, that next right step seems like one huge leap across two high-rises. It feels like I could miss the mark and watch my dignity come crashing down along with all my dreams.

I recently took a poll and asked my email subscribers which fear they struggled with the most. Fear of the unknown future was the highest ranking fear.

Do you think we would still fear the future if we fully realized the Lord’s constant presence and believed his promise to guide us every step of the way?


Are you afraid to walk through the doors God opens in your life? Here are 25 Bible verses to help you take the next step!

So many verses in the Bible speak of the Lord’s guidance in our lives. He goes before us, makes our steps firm and gently leads us. We just need to listen to his voice and follow him.

I made a free printable of verses to help you walk through the doors God opens for you.

If Jesus opens a door for you, you can trust him to walk through it! #TaketheNextStep #25BibleVersestoHelpYouTakeTheNextStep Share on X


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