It's Okay Not To Be Okay

‘I believed it was not okay not to be okay, so I relentlessly pushed myself to fix myself. I thought I was living a life that was pleasing to God because I worked so hard to be worth loving.”

Even though Sheila Walsh hosted the 700 Club, she struggled to be okay. All her efforts to be enough came crashing down when she found herself in a psych hospital crying out to God.

“There are moments in life when there is nothing you can do to control what’s happening. In those times, find your hiding place under the shelter of God’s wings. Share on X

In her latest book, It’s Okay Not To Be Okay, Sheila Walsh shares 8 practical strategies that helped her move forward and find freedom.

  1. Take the First Step 
  2. Admit That You Are Stuck and Struggling
  3. Change the Way You Think
  4. Face the What-Ifs Even if You Are Afraid
  5. Let Go of What You Can’t Control
  6. Rise Above Disappointment
  7. Celebrate Your Scars as Tattoos of Triumph
  8. Decide to Start Again

I love Sheila’s authenticity and compassion for others.  Her writing makes me feel as if she’s a friend listening and encouraging me through every turn of the page.

As a rule-following girl who wants to please others, it’s easy for me to fall into the trap of believing my worth is dependent on how well I perform. How good I can be.

When we begin to accept and understand that God loves us as we are—whether we’re strong or weak, his love transforms us.

In her latest book, It's Okay Not To Be Okay, Sheila Walsh shares 8 practical strategies that will help those struggling to be okay, live fully in Christ.

“Rules attempt to modify our behavior, but love, the love of God, changes our hearts. When our hearts are free to love with abandon, knowing that we’re not being judged for every failure, our behavior changes. It changes not because we have to, but because we love Him so much that we want to. The love of Christ propels us to take the next step.”

Sheila encourages us to bring what we have to Jesus—even our not enough, and ask Him to meet us where we are.

“It’s okay not to be okay because we’re not home yet. It’s okay not to be enough because God doesn’t ask us to be. What He wants is to move in–to move into our hearts and our homes, our minds and our struggles.”

Sheila ends by asking readers if we are willing to fight for a faith that is our own or settle for what everyone tells us about God.

“In my darkest days, on the floor of my hospital room in a psych ward, I chose to fight.”

This is a great book that will help others find freedom and wholeness in knowing they are fully loved by God. 

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher for participating in the launch team. This is my honest review.

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