I woke up with my heart pounding, anxiety digging a crater in my gut.
“I can’t do this, God! What if I make a fool of myself?”
When I do what I’m afraid of, I learn why I don’t need to be afraid. Share on X
The only way I’ve learned how to be confident in my calling has been to brave self-doubt by taking the next step.
Still, sometimes the next right step feels like one huge leap across two high-rises. It feels like I could miss the mark and watch my dignity come crashing down along with all my dreams.
Maybe you feel this same hesitation? You know, that pause before you step off the platform and trust you’re really hooked up to the zip line? It’s the moment you decide to risk your fear of failing in order to fall into the freedom of living God’s purpose for you.
In Matthew 14 the disciples are terrified when they see Jesus walking on water. He reassures them,“Take courage. It is I. Don’t be afraid!”
Even though I’ve read this passage many times, something stood out to me that hadn’t before.
Peter tells Jesus to prove it’s him by asking Jesus to invite him to walk on the water.
And Jesus says, “Come.”
Peter got what he asked for! When he took that first step out of the boat, he actually walked on the lake!
How amazing is that?
We know what happens next, though. He looks at the waves, gets scared and sinks. Jesus reaches out his hand and catches him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” Matthew 14:31
Why do we doubt when we know the truth already?
Somewhere along the way, Peter was afraid to take the next step.
Even though it was his idea in the first place. Even though seconds ago he was actually walking on water and experiencing the miraculous power of Jesus first-hand.
Still, doubt crept in. And Jesus asked Peter, “where did your faith go?”
Peter could have just stayed in the boat. But he did take that first step.
And when he sank, he took Jesus’ hand, got back up and kept walking.
I used to think self-doubt was just about battling my insecurity. But now I see, I’m not only doubting myself, but I’m also doubting God.
Self-doubt doubts God. Share on X
1. I doubt he will make me brave.
2. I doubt his presence with me in the storm.
3. I doubt he will save me if I fall.
4. I doubt his love for me.
5. I doubt the power of the Holy Spirit working through me.
6. I doubt I’m enough in him.
7. I doubt he’ll use my weakness to show his power.
8. I doubt he will fulfill me.
9. I doubt the truth of who he says I am.
10. I doubt I’ll be ok if I mess up.
Every time I walk in faith, I learn how to trust Jesus. And it feels kind of like walking on water—because I know I couldn’t do it without his power and strength.
Our Christian walk will have times of faith and times of doubt.
Our self-doubt is not the end of us! Share on X
We can count on Jesus to reach out his hand and help us when our circumstances take our focus off of him.
When my children took their first wobbling steps, I held out my arms and couldn’t wait for them to reach my embrace.
I was the paparazzi. I praised each step in my high-pitched mommy voice and encouraged them to walk on.
God does the same with us. He’s our loving Father who cheers us on to take another step of faith.
What next step is God asking you to take?
How has your self-doubt helped you discover God’s faithfulness?
Shortly before dawn, Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Matthew 14:22-26
Check back for next week’s post where I will share a free PDF
“25 Bible Verses To Help You Take the Next Step In Faith.”
I would like to thank you for your words of wisdom encouragement they have helped me through doubtful moments i have struggled with fear & anxiety over the years still is however im doing a little better now I thank God fir delivering his message through you in perfect timing I have to remember take every though captive remember God is bigger than anything most times i be worried for nothing praying all will be well when go to doctor about this pain i keep having i pray God meet each everyone of your needs exceeds your expectations in a mighty ways have a blessed week women of God love your sister in Chris Stacy
Stacy, thank you so much for your kind words. I’m so glad the Lord brought this message to you when you needed it. I love when God does that. I’m sorry you’ve been experiencing physical pain. Health issues are so hard and can cause our minds to wander and worry. May the greatest hope of all (Jesus) fill you with his peace and love. You are not alone. With Jesus by your side and the Holy Spirit living inside you, you are a mighty warrior. Love, your sister in Christ. Valerie
I’ve been really working on this lately. I’m trying to let me faith be bigger than my fear and let Jesus handle my doubts. It’s a process like anything else. I just keep giving it to Him over and over.
Hi Brittany! It sure is a process and a lifetime of learning. Jesus never gives up on us.
I’ve been struggling with doubt terribly. It’s been a long life struggle as I freak out EVERY time I have to do something out of my comfort zone. It’s nearly always wasted worry because nothing is ever really that bad but somehow I work myself up into thinking I’m going to fail miserably .. and how can God keep me from that? I’m still learning and praying I can overcome this battle.
Julianne, Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I stopped by your blog and I love your message. I’m on the launch team for Sheila Walsh’s “It’s Okay Not to Be Okay.” I love that title. We are all strugglers. I personally am so inspired when I see fellow strugglers working through their anxiety and self-doubt and being honest about the real battle along the way. I’m not sure how many times I have to fall down or if I will ever learn to stay up. But I’m just glad that Jesus always reaches his hand out to me to pull me back up again. Every. Single. Time. And because he loves us so much, I imagine his tone being, “Don’t you know how much I love you yet?” I’m glad we can learn and process together. Big hugs!
Love that Val!
We all struggle with something at times God will help you overcome my sister be encouraged cast your fears on the Lord for he cares be Bless
I love how you’ve reminded us to keep our eyes on Jesus, just like Peter needed to do when he got out of that boat, Valerie. I also can really relate to the idea of cheering my own kids on, so why wouldn’t I think God, my Father, would be doing the same with me? Puts it in perspective and challenges me to be faith-filled! Great word today and I’ll be sharing!
Hi Beth! Yes, I agree, why wouldn’t we think God is cheering us on? He’s not pointing the finger at us or chastising us when we fall. He sees our efforts. He gently leads us. He also challenges us to take the next step. And sometimes asks us, “Why do you doubt? Don’t you know how much I love you?”
Thank you for this beautiful reminder to keep my focus on Jesus!! I needed this today!!
I’m so glad this encouraged you Lisa. Thank you for letting me know.
( not sure where my comment went LOL )
Thank you.. what a blessing. SO true of me right now..
I’m glad it blessed you. Have a great day Lesa!