Habakkuk 2:1
I will stand on my guard post
And station myself on the ramparts;
And I will keep watch to see what He will speak to me.
Are you in the midst of marital struggle? Have you been praying for answers for your troubled marriage but still feel unsure about how to handle your circumstances?
Habakkuk was a man who sought answers from God. He was very troubled by his circumstances and asked those big questions that seem to gnaw at our hearts at some point in our life—
Why, God? How long?
The first chapter of Habakkuk is mostly devoted to his complaints and frustrations about why God seemed to allow evil to prevail and his prayers to go unanswered.
How long, Lord, must I call for help,
But you do not listen?
Or cry out to you, “Violence!” But you do not save?
Why do you make me look at injustice?
Why do you tolerate wrongdoing?
Habakkuk 1:2-3
As Habakkuk pours out his heart in prayer, he is freed from the weight of his anxiety.
Voicing our needs before the Lord is the first step in entrusting them over to Jesus—he is our very own strong tower.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower;
The righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10
In the second chapter, Habakkuk takes on a new attitude of expectant waiting. He determines to wait in prayer until God answers.
Habakkuk 2:1
I will stand on my guard post
And station myself on the ramparts;
And I will keep watch to see what He will speak to me.
It’s so comforting to know that in the difficult seasons of marriage, we can go to God with our honest questions and tell him our concerns. We can stand guard over our marriage and wait expectantly for Him to answer.
Watchtowers were built high on city walls (ramparts) so that watchmen could see the enemies approaching the city. They were also used to guard the wells and vineyards from thieves and to protect the cattle and sheep.
As you stand watch over your marriage, what is threatening it?
I believe when we station ourselves in prayer our eyes begin to see our circumstances from a broader viewpoint.
We see the incoming threats more clearly. We see our own sin exposed by God’s holiness where before maybe we only saw our own wounds.
Securing our eyes on who Jesus is to us takes our focus off of our circumstance and onto the trustworthy character of God.
He is in control. Whatever happens, he can work it out for your good and his glory. (Romans 8:28) Share on XWhen God answers Habakkuk He says,
As we keep watch and pray for direction, we can find assurance in our faith. Share on XBut the righteous person will live by his faith. Habakkuk 2:4
No matter what—we live by faith. And our faith brings us peace.
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 5:1
Comfort doesn’t always come from the release of our problems or even deliverance from them. Sometimes the problems remain. Sometimes marriages crumble.
Answers may not come right away.
So we live by our faith—even in the midst of problems— and we believe in God’s power to use our circumstances to draw us closer to Him. And to restore us.
The book of Habakkuk contains only 3 short chapters.
Habakkuk voices his complaints to God in chapter one. In the second chapter, he waits expectantly for God to answer. The third chapter ends with a powerful prayer of praise.
As the nation of Judah was crumbling before Habakkuk’s eyes, still he rejoiced in the Lord. He was able to see God’s power in the darkness.
His glory covered the heavens and his praise filled the earth. His splendor was like the sunrise; rays flashed from his hand, where his power was hidden. 3:3-4
When we remember God’s power and glory even in the midst of destruction, we can find hope.
We can see the rays of hope shining light into the places that have grown dim in our souls.
And we can hold onto that same hope for our life as we pray for direction.
Though the fig tree does not bud
And there are no grapes on the vines,
Though the olive crop fails
And the fields produce no fruit,
Though there are no sheep in the pen
And no cattle in the stalls
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.
The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
He makes my feet like the feet of a deer
He enables me to tread on heights.
Habakkuk 3:17-19
Whatever hard circumstance you are facing, I pray that your faith would bring you peace.
Do you need prayer for your marriage? I would love to pray for you. Feel free to list your request in the comment section below.
If you are interested in standing watch over your marriage through prayer, I would love for you to subscribe to receive 31 days of Mending Marriage Prayers. These are free prayers based on scripture to help you love with grace and pray for restoration in the broken places of your marriage. You’ll receive one prayer a day in your inbox for 31 days.

I need prayer for my marriage. My wife and I have been married for 10 years with 3 beautiful children. In the past 3-4 years my wife has been increasingly distant. Emotionally and physically. I do what I can as a husband and try to have affectionate moments with her but it’s not initiated or reciprocated. I’ve tried every form of communication I can think of but nothing works. She and I both are saved but it doesn’t seem to help matters. I’ve been praying about this for 4 years now, when I first started to see if surface. It’s now grown into not just a habit but a character trait. My wife does not touch me at all., in any sense. She doesn’t desire affection or desire me. It’s tough as a Godly husband to try daily to make things work and still be there as a husband and father but yet it doesn’t seem like it’s enough. It’s hard to love when you don’t feel or even be told you’re loved any more. It’s hard to keep faith when you don’t see any movement for years… and you don’t hear any answers from God either. I need prayer for my marriage in the worst way. I love my wife dearly and love my marriage but I don’t love how I’m treated, and how I feel abandoned and neglected for these past few years. I need God to move… and bring a miracle in my marriage. I’m struggling to believe anymore and have faith that things will change because it’s been such a long time and she is set in her ways. Please pray that God will heal and restore my marriage and restore the relationship of our marriage as well. Thank you and God Bless you and May Heaven smile upon you.
Dear Tre,
I feel the ache and pain in your words and I’m so sorry for the struggle you are going through. I’m praying the Lord will pave a way leading you both closer to each other and to him. I pray this verse over your marriage, “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” I know sometimes marriage feels like a desert. It can be dry and lonely. But I believe the Lord desires just as much as you for your marriage to be close. So don’t give up. Keep pressing on to love your wife even when it’s hard. Is there a counselor you could both see? Is she willing to share her heart with you? Seek to understand her heart. Dear Jesus, I lift up Tre to you. He desires for his marriage to be emotionally and physically close. Father, you know everything in Tre’s heart and his wife’s heart. I pray you would help them to communicate in a healthy way so that they understand one another. Heal their hurts. Renew their love. Restore them Lord. Thank you that you hear our prayers. Anything is possible with you. We trust in You to make a way. In Jesus name, Amen
I’m seeing this two years later, so you may never see this, but you are describing exactly what my husband has been feeling, unbeknownst to me. I’m praying that God worked and is still working in your marriage and on you both. It’s never too late for her to change, just don’t give up. God’s timing is perfect.
My twin brother has been prying for his marriage for over 20 years and I can see that he is losing all hope in God. I see his hurt and wish I could take some of his pain for him. For decades we would pray together about many things including his marriage and now he’s at the point that he doesn’t want to pray anymore. He feels broken, defeated, angry, hopeless and now wonders if his marriage improving is even part of God’s will. I believe that they are unevenly yoked and there is a lot of deep internal pain. Please pray that God improves their marriage and gives them direction guidance, strength, courage and hope.
I committed to my brother him I will not stop praying for him and remain hopeful that God will give them a miracle.
Thanks for your ministry, and thanks for your prayers.
Thank you for sharing your heart for your brother. I’m sure it’s hard to see him in pain. What a blessing you are to be in fervent prayer for him and someone he can talk to.
Dear Lord,
Today I come before you with a heavy heart for the hardships and struggles in Rick’s brothers life. Lord you are our comforter. You bring us hope when all seems hopeless. You restore and heal us with your love and truth. I pray you would shower your love and hope and draw Rick’s brother to you. May he find strength in you. When it seems that his prayers go unheard, Lord show him that you hear him and you will answer. Lord give him wisdom to know what to do and what to say. Soften his wife’s heart towards you. Shower her with your love and grace. Move her towards compassion and a desire to restore their marriage. Help her to understand her purpose in you. Let your kindness lead her to repentance. Bring godly people into their lives to give them sound counsel and support. In the name of Jesus, show your presence in each of their lives and help them to look to. you for help. Thank you that you do not leave us alone. You see every tear and every struggle we have. You are our help and refuge. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Hi. I felt peace when I read your article. I have been married 20 years and because of this marriage was lead to God in 2012. At first I thought my marriage would be restored then I wound up in a shelter for abused women in 2015. I was to return. Many things have happened- abuse in all aspects, my older son was taken slyly out of my home and away from me( I,fought with God until he was returned, all while my husband stayed in our home). He has had so many affairs that he doesn’t know how many and the list goes on and on. I have finally learned that I am married to a narcissist. When I came back from the shelter he “was baptized” for the second time, first wife was the first. He has used my faith against me many times and my sin that I have confessed and he does no wrong. I told him this January this was not a marriage God was pleased with and not how God wanted our children or I treated. I have given mercy, grace and forgiveness because God has me just to find it used against me. I have worked to try and leave with the 3 kids that are still and God has not opened the door yet. I pray for his soul but as he continues to cheat I am trying so hard to be loyal and I’m so lonely. No conversation, no touch or kiss of any sort, no apology and doesn’t come home until after 3 am all week, every day. Any advice for this heart that struggles to stand for what’s right? Thank you for listening. Dawn Blackburn
Dear Dawn,
I’m so sorry for all you’ve been through. Abuse is not a life God wants for his children. God loves us so much he sent his only son to die for us. I’m not a counselor but I would advise seeking counseling to gain support and help. And of course, if you feel in any danger leave. If you feel suicidal seek help right away and tell someone, there’s a hotline you can call too. Learning to set boundaries is important and hard to do in your situation without professional guidance and support.
Dear Jesus,
Lord, help Dawn. You don’t want her to be cheated on or abused in any way. I pray she would seek and find the help she needs. Guide her each and every day and help her have strength and hope in you. Protect her and help her to become emotionally strong and confident in who you made her to be. Bring people into her life who can pour life into her. Comfort her.
Here’s an abuse hotline: https://www.thehotline.org/help/
If you text 741741 when you are feeling depressed or suicidal, a crisis worker will text you back immediately and continue to text with you. Many people don’t like talking on the phone and would be more comfortable texting. It’s a FREE service to ANYONE – teens, adults, etc. – who live in the U.S. It’s run by The Crisis Text Line.
YOU MATTER! #youmattertome
Dear Valerie,
My husband had an affair 2 years ago and he continues to hate himself for what he did. He does not feel like he is worthy of my love. He convinces himself that I will never heal and that by ending the marriage he is helping me to make the decision that he knows I won’t make which is getting a divorce. I love my husband with every fiber of my heart and soul. I need prayer that my husband stops listening and acting on his own thoughts that are actually Satan’s doing. I know that God is so much more strong than Satan and I pray for my husband to hear God’s words talking to him and not thoughts of the enemy. I pray for the healing of my marriage.
Thank you for reaching out Amy. I pray the Lord’s forgiveness will reach his heart and that all shame and guilt will be wiped away. God’s grace is amazing and powerful. My friend writes about her own struggle to forgive herself after an affair. Her husband’s forgiveness towards her, mirrored God’s and renewed her faith. She writes at https://www.shannongeurin.com
Her story is powerful. I’m praying for your marriage.
Dear Lord, I pray Amy’s husband would be able to accept your grace and the power of your forgiveness over his life. His sins are washed clean. May he walk in grace and without shame. Remove the guilt of is past sins. That’s what your death on the cross did for us. We don’t have to carry the weight of our sin and shame anymore. Thank you, Lord! We are all sinners. We all fall short. Father, heal this marriage. Restore them. Renew their love. We rebuke the lies of Satan that keep us in guilt and shame. We are new creations in you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Valerie, I just found you today. My husband has threatened separation after Christmas, but has no real set date. I was devastated at first and cried and begged him not to leave me, but then started praying for restoration in my marriage. I started going to church regularly although I can hardly ever get through a service without crying. We have been married almost 27 years and have two adult children and grandchildren. I am praying he will change his mind and God will work on his heart. Thank you for the encouragement!
Oh Rebecca, I’m so very sorry for the pain you’re experiencing right now. I’m praying for God to comfort you this Christmas in ways that assure you of His love and presence with you. Dear Lord, You see the tears Rebecca has cried. You see her in church when she can’t hold back the tears. And you are with her. Every moment of every day. Father, I pray your Holy Spirit would comfort and minister to Rebecca. I pray you would work in her husband’s heart. Soften his heart, Jesus. Help him to remember the things he loves about his wife. Help him to long for restoration and healing in his own life and marriage. I pray he would turn to you for help. Help Rebecca when she wakes up in the morning to cling to your hope. Strengthen her according to your Word and the power of your Holy Spirit. You are the God of miracles. The God who forgives us. Restores us. Heals us. Empowers us to love as you would have us to love. I lift up this marriage to you. I lift up Rebecca and ask you to comfort her with your peace. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Thank you for your words of encouragement they seem to be the only thing keeping me together. Please pray fort our family my husband of 18 years left my daughter (7yo) and me. He has been seeing another woman and i believe she encouraged him to go. He says there is no hope that he will file for divorce and our marriage is over but I felt God say he would restore us. I don’t feel the fruit of that promise yet so I begin to doubt. I hate waiting I’m not good at it. I know this will be in Gods timing but the wait is so difficult. Please pray my husbands heart is softened and turns back to the Lord. I know God can’t reconcile until this happens.
Dear Heavenly Father, My heart breaks for Alicia’s pain, for the rejection and abandonment, she is experiencing, especially during the holidays. I pray you would comfort her with Your love, Your peace, and Your faithfulness. You will never leave us. You will always choose to love us no matter what. You know Alicia’s husband. We pray you would soften his heart towards You. It is Alicia’s desire to see her marriage restored. And we know with you Jesus, all things are possible. Repentance is possible. But should her husband refuse to change his ways and restore their marriage, I pray you would continue to heal and restore Alicia. Strengthen her in the power of your unending love. Equip her for the future. Bring her joy. Give her wisdom to know what to do and peace beyond all understanding. Direct her path. You say in Your Word that you will make firm the steps ahead of us. Pave her next step. Light her way. Give her a discerning heart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Hi Valerie,
Just found your page and I am in love! Thank you for what you do. I’d love a prayer for my marriage. My husband and I separated a few months ago when I was pregnant with our second child. We fought a lot and were both very selfish when we should have been loving toward each other. He seemed to have started an intimate relationship with another woman and upon confrontation he checked out of our marriage. We are now separated but see each other often because of our kids. I attempt to move on but feel the lord telling me to fight for my marriage. Please pray for us. I signed up for your daily prayer newsletter and have much hope !
Thank you!
How painful Sammie. I’m so sorry for how hard things have been. Dear Heavenly Father, you see this marriage in turmoil. You care, Lord. Father, I don’t know if Sammie’s husband knows you, but I pray you would draw him to yourself. Bring people into his life who would share your love and truth. Father, with you there is freedom. Forgiveness. Restoration and healing. I pray if her husband is in another relationship that you would help him to turn away from it and seek restoration with Sammie. Help them find some counseling to work through issues and learn how to trust again. I pray they would be able to communicate and work through all the issues that have created conflict. Soften his heart towards you and towards his wife. Comfort Sammie as she grieves over broken trust and struggles to raise her children alone right now. I pray she would seek you with all of her heart, soul and mind. I pray that she would turn to your Word for guidance and direction. Lord, thank you for always being with us no matter what. You go ahead of us. Make our steps firm. Gently lead us. Strengthen Sammie Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Hello I’m asking for prayer for my marriage. My marriage could be resolved if I put more effort into it. My husband says I am a horrible wife. He is incarcerated and is very demanding of my time. I on the other hand have a lot on my plate. I feel like the prisoner most of the time. He makes me miserable. We have been through many troubles. We both hurt one another badly. I need courageous strength to make us better. I am exhausted.
Dear Heavenly Father, Today I lift up Victoria to you. Lord, thank you for the power of your Word and the gift of your Holy Spirit that empowers us to love others. Thank you for dying on the cross for all of our sins and offering us the free gift of salvation. I pray Victoria and her husband would look to you for guidance and strength. May the truth of who you are become alive in their hearts. Comfort Victoria in her pain and all she has been through. Give her a new hope. All who believe in you have new life. (Romans 6:5). Create in us a clean heart, Oh Lord. Renew a right spirit within us.
Please pray for restoration in my marriage. There might be another female in my husband’s life – I pray that the relationship ends and that my husband’s heart come back to me. We have 4 kids & I would love to show them that we beat our current adversity and that God can make the impossible, possible. Jesus, I believe!!
Thank you for sharing Genae. I’m so sorry you are going through this. Heavenly Father, pour out your love and strength to Genae and her 4 children. Protect them and be their strong refuge. Reveal the truth of what’s going on to Genae and give her the wisdom to know what to do. Father, restore and heal. Guide this family. Thank you that you never leave us or forsake us. You are always faithful and always present with us. You care about our needs. You take care of us in the storm. Psalm 91:4 He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
please pray for my wife katrina I made alot of mistakes and love her very much our marriage is in danger . I pray for a the lord restore our marriage and help both of us . We have 4 children . My name is Austin and i dont want a divorce but my wife will not stop seeing this man and she is leaving me no choice .
Thank you for sharing Austin. Dear Lord, You see the hurt and brokenness in Austin and Katrina. Fill them with your love and peace. Give them wisdom to know how to work through their differences. Lord, I pray your Holy Spirit would lead and guide them both towards you and towards eachother. Help them to communicate and be able to establish unity and offer forgiveness and repentance for anything that has hurt the other spouse. Help them to renew their comittment and be able to establish trust again. Give Austin wisdom to know what to do. I pray for their 4 children. Protect their hearts and may your love and presence bring them comfort and peace during this hard time.
I have been married nearly 36 years. I’ve suffered major depression this year which has caused my marriage to suffer. I’m making a request that you would pray for restoration for me and Andy.
Heavenly Father, It makes me sad to read about Laura’s suffering and the depression she lives with. I know that living with depression is so hard and there are no easy fixes. It’s a struggle. Please help her in this struggle. Right now Father, I pray that your peace would come upon her. I pray you would bring people into her life who would encourage her. Lord, as she seeks you, I pray you would lift the heavy weight of depresssion and give her your joy. Be her peace. Be her strength. When she is weary and sad and has no motivation, fill her with hope for the day and joy that comes in the morning. If she is struggling to find the right medication and strugggling with symptoms, help her know what to do. Renew her by the power of your Holy Spirit. Give her husband Andy, compassion and wisdom towards her. May they each desire to love one another unconditionally. Lord, restore their marriage. Renew their love for each other. In Jesus Name I Pray! Amen!
Hello .my name is kimberly.
Ive been married for 23 years.last feb i woke up to a bang on the wall.ran out in my livingroom to find my husband removing his things from our home.i was in total shock.i didnt know what to say how to respond.with no words can i say my heart felt like i lost my best friend.3 grown daughters 5 grandchildren.the day before was my birthday.i love you words exchanged threw the day.im at a loss.we have been seperated a year this feb 2.he wont tell me why hes left .i have not stepped out of my marriage.he want to a lawyer and had papers sent to me.nothing threw court.hes been in faith 4 years .i started attending christian church in march of last year .gave my life to christ easter sunday and was baptized a month later.Jesus took me from drinking ,depression,almost suide,.i now attend church and disciple classes.praise God.
I pray for my marriage and for my husband.i dont want to divorce him.
Im asking please lift us in prayer.
Thank you . God bless you.
Thank you for sharing your heart here, Kimberly. I’m so very sorry for the pain you have gone through and having your husband leave you after so many years of marriage. My heart breaks for you. I’m rejoicing that you gave your life to Jesus and pray that you would continue to find your strength and comfort through the Lord and His peace that is beyond what we can understand.
Dear Heavenly Father, My heart breaks for the pain Kimberly has gone through. I can’t imagine the rejection of having your spouse leave. Thank you Jesus, that you promise to NEVER leave or forsake us. Lord, we lift up Kimberly’s husband and pray that you would bring people in his path to minister to him and share truth with him. We pray that he would come to a saving knowledge of you. We pray for reconciliation and open communication. Lord, give Kimberly your wisdom as she waits for your answers. Give her clear direction and discernment in her heart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Hi Valerie
Please pray for my marriage. My husband moved out a year ago and went to live with his sister. He has now bought a house together with her and I feel I’ve lost him completely. We still see each other daily as we have a daughter together. To date I still haven’t been given a reason as to why he left after an argument that in my opinion should and could have been resolved. I have prayed daily that God open his eyes; his daughter who is only 5 asks him everyday to come back home. I pray and pray but my prayers seem to go answered. I asked God for a Christian man, every day I’d be at church praying and so would my husband. I believe God put us together for a reason and my only regret is I didn’t ask God to walk with us but allowed my sister in law to be the third wheel. I ask for restoration, Peace, forgiveness and love to come back into our marriage. Thank you for your prayers.?
Emily, I’m so sorry for the pain you are going through. Thank you so much for reaching out for prayer and sharing your heart here.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for Emily and her heart to want to restore her marriage. Lord, I pray your Holy Spirit would work in her husband’s and stir up the love he has for Emily. Father, we ask that you would bring healing and restoration to Emily’s marriage. I pray that Emily’s husband would seek you for answers and direction in his life. Help Him to seek you with all of his heart, mind, and soul. Where there is hurt, anger and bitterness–help them to see– and both to come to a place where they can reconcile and forgive. Give Emily your peace and strength. Comfort her with your Holy presence that will NEVER leave her or forsake her. Guide her each day as she looks to you for direction and wisdom. Help her in her sorrow to find joy in You. We pray this in your name, Jesus. You are able to help us in situations that seem impossible. Thank you, Lord.
Hey Val! It’s to good to back here on your blog. I’m stopping over from Deb’s Faith n Friends link up. Congrats on being one of her featured bloggers. What a great post this is! Prayer is such an essential part of having a satisfying marriage. I just signed up for your 31 days of prayers for marriage. The topic of remending marriage is so close to my heart. It’s actually a part of my testimony. Blessings to you and your family!
Tiffiney! So great to hear from you! I didn’t notice I was featured, so I’ll have to go check that out. Thank you! I’m so glad you signed up for the prayers. Sounds like I need to read your testimony my friend! Love you!
“When we remember God’s power and glory even in the midst of destruction, we can find hope.” Yes! Amen! Powerful reminder Valerie so thank you for that. The passage in chapter 3 was vital to me when I was going through a difficult season. Such. hope from God’s Word! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Hi Gretchen, Yes I love the book of Habakkuk! Thank you for your kind words.
Valerie, you are a powerful voice for the concept of longsuffering and tenacity in our marriage prayers. Having been in that place of feeling my prayers were bouncing off deaf ears, God used and still uses it to gently challenge me toward total surrender. And when I finally do, I’m able to see Him working things out His way and in His timing. Love your heart for God and for marriage!
Thank you for your kinds words Crystal! Surrendering can sure be hard sometimes. I agree that when we do we can see things from His perspective so much better because our vision is often clouded.
Love it! Standing watch over our marriage is a wise practice. Recently I remarked to a friend that my marriage is about the only thing in my life that is perfect right now. It was like a red flag went up to guard that. The enemy would love nothing more than to destroy that. You better believe I’ve been praying! Thanks for your post!
Hi Kelly! Yes, the enemy loves to divide us. Standing watch over our marriage can take perseverance. and determination to follow God and love as He loves us.
WOW! I so needed this and will keep your prayer close to my heart the next few week. I truly know our marriage is under attack because God has great things laned for us. We just have to stand firm in His word and trust His plans for us.
Making joy Contagious
I’m praying you feel God’s peace as you pray for your marriage Desiree! God is faithful to hear our prayers and answer us.
I LOVE your examination of Habakkuk and application to praying for your marriage! Such solid truth to cling to when facing the downfall of a nation, or the crumbling of a relationship.
Hi Jennifer! I’m so glad you appreciated that connection. Blessings to you!
Such a beautiful post. Your words were exactly what I needed to read today.
I’m so glad it encouraged you Kelly! Blessings to you!
I’m so grateful that God hears our every prayer and that he answers. May we all remember to do this more often: “Voicing our needs before the Lord is the first step in entrusting them over to Jesus.” Thanks, Valerie.
God is faithful! Thank you for your comment Lisa!
Thanks again for visiting Thankful & Grateful Thursday 🙂
Thank you for stopping by!
Amen! So much this:
“We see our own sin exposed by God’s holiness where before maybe we only saw our own wounds.” speaking from one married to an unbeliever and seeing more and more of Christ in my husband the more I begin to believe Him at His Word and pray into His Promises. Such truth. Keep writing!
Thank you for your encouragement Anna! Have a blessed day!
Beautiful reminder today!
Thank you Becky!