Have you ever wondered what the Bible means when it tells us to guard our hearts? 

I wanted to know more about this topic so I researched why we should guard our hearts, what we should guard our hearts against, and how we should guard our hearts?

Vines Expository Dictionary defines the word guard as, to keep, observe, preserve, save, watch, and defend. When the Bible uses the word heart, it is referring to the whole inner self (Moody Bible Commentary p. 900).

The heart is receptive and can internalize what we hear, see, and experience. It is also active. The Bible says what we do flows from our heart (Proverbs 4:23).

Here are 5 Insightful Reasons Why We Should Guard Our Hearts


1. The heart is deceitful.

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick, who can understand it? Jeremiah 17: 9

The Bible tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23). Our inclination towards sin can infect what we believe, think, and feel. 

Our culture tends to encourage us to follow wherever our hearts lead us. While our God-given emotions can lead us to follow God’s will, when our emotions are influenced by hearts that are divided by sin, if our primary goal is to follow our hearts, our hearts could lead us into foolishness and sin.

Instead, Christians have the joy and honor to be led by the Holy Spirit. When we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, we’ll find our hearts and desires align with God’s will for our lives.

I’ve learned my tendency to think in all or nothing terms can lead to faulty thinking. Just because our emotions can be influenced by faulty thinking, doesn’t mean our emotions are bad or that we are sinning when we feel them. When we search and examine our hearts, that’s how we will discover what’s influencing our emotions. Our emotions can be influenced by sinful thoughts and behaviors.

When we are fervently following the leading of the Holy Spirit, our hearts will be influenced by God. God can reveal to us faulty beliefs not supported by Scripture, inaccurate thoughts, and misled emotions.

2. The Bible Tells Us To

Did you know the Bible tells us to guard our hearts above all else?

Isn’t it interesting how Jeremiah says the heart is deceitful above all things, then Proverbs tells us above all else we should guard our hearts? 

In Psalm 26:2 David asks the Lord to, “try me, examine my heart and mind.” 

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good and pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12:2

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Psalm: 23-24

3. Everything we do flows from our hearts.

Our hearts dictate how we live. When our hearts are filled with the desire to honor God, our lives will pour out evidence of godly transformation.

4. The heart reveals what’s in our thoughts.

Our thoughts influence what we feel and our feelings influence what we do. This is why the Bible emphasizes the importance of transforming our minds. 

The same is true of our actions. What we do also influences how we think and feel. This is why we need to obey the Lord, even when we don’t feel like it.

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good and pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12:2 Mt. 12: 34-36 Luke 6:45

5. So we can have undivided hearts that fear the Lord.

I’ve spent the past 7 years researching how to trust the Lord when I’m afraid. Learning to fear the Lord helps us trust in the Lord. 

People who fear God trust God. People who trust God fear God. 

We can’t fear God or trust God when our hearts are divided.


Our purpose for living on this earth is to learn to fear the Lord and trust him above all things

After telling us to guard our hearts Solomon says: 

Let your eyes look straight ahead;

Fix your gaze directly before you. 

Give careful thought to the paths for your feet

And be steadfast in all your ways.

Do not turn to the right or the left,

Keep your foot from evil.

Proverbs 4:25-27

Dear Lord,

Search my heart. Show me where I may be blinded to sin in my life. Reveal to me where I am not trusting in you and holding onto worry and anxiety. 

Lord, thank you for giving me emotions and showing me how they are meant to help me grow and learn.

Help me to discern when my emotions are being influenced by faulty beliefs, teachings, and mindsets. Breakthrough any wrong thinking with the truth of your Holy Word. Protect me from the influence of Satan and his evil tactics which tempt me to believe lies about myself and you.

Help me learn to manage my emotions in a way that gives glory to you. Help me respond to situations instead of reacting. 

Give me the wisdom to discern whether I’m being led by your Holy Spirit or following my deceitful heart. Where there is wickedness show it to me. I confess my pride that doesn’t want to admit to sin. 

Sometimes I think I’m right when I’m not. So show me where pride has infected areas of my heart.

Lord, you died on the cross for my deceitful heart. You make me new. You give me a clean heart. I don’t have to wallow in guilt over my sin. Instead, I can rejoice that your blood has washed me clean. 

Thank you! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Stay tuned for the next post in this series, What Does the Bible Say we Should Guard Our Hearts Against?





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