I usually don’t post about the specifics of keeping up my blog. But I wanted to share some of the resources I use and love. I hope you’ll stay tuned for some future posts where I share what I’ve learned through blogging. 

I read so many posts about how to make money blogging. But the truth is, it’s VERY HARD to make money blogging. I’ve invested quite a bit of time and money to improve my site and my skills. 

So why do I do it? I love writing!  Having a blog enables me to share my purpose and reason for living with the world and do what I love. There’s a huge mission field with blogging.  

I’ve always felt like I communicate better through the written word than by speaking.  I’ve been able to share my testimony with people all over the world. While my stats may not compare to another blogger, I feel so honored to be able to share the gospel with way more people than if I didn’t have a blog.

I want to help new bloggers discover how to spread their message by recommending some of the classes and tools I’ve used to grow my blog in order to reach more people for Christ.

*Affiliate links are mentioned. Please see my disclosure page.

Some of the resources I recommend are affiliate links. That means that if you decide to purchase something through my site a small portion will help support this blog. You can see my disclosure page here.

Please know these are my honest and sincere recommendations.

iMark Interactive

The bug-guy and the rat-guy have become some of my favorite people! I just added another fav– the best tech guy! He’s trustworthy, knowledgable, affordable and efficient. Grayson at IMarkineractive.com helped secure my site from http to https. He will also help you figure out technical issues and will even help you start a blog. His customer service went above and beyond!


In order to start a blog, you need to choose a domain name and then find a web hosting service. When I started I heard nothing but great reviews for Bluehost. I chose them and have been very happy! I found them to be very affordable and I haven’t had any problems with my site. 


Whether you’re interested in starting a blog, you’re a new blogger or you just want to take your blog to the next level, I think EBA is a great way to learn all the skills necessary for your ministry or business. EBA is a comprehensive course with 4 modules that you can take at your own pace. 


Click Here to Enroll in Elite Blog Academy!


Carmen’s ebook is an excellent resource for all bloggers! This e-book will help you in all areas of blogging. Carmen is very knowledgeable and knows what it takes to start a blog and all that’s involved in social media. I love how she helps others discover God’s plan and direction in the choices they make for their blog.

Christian Bloggers Bootcamp

The best decision I ever made was joining CBB. This course walked me through some of the basic essentials for having a blog.  You’ll soon find out how important it is to find a community in blogging. This is the place to do it! The friendships I’ve made here are invaluable. The support is incredible! When I started my blog, I thought I would be all alone and described myself as one ship among a sea of many bloggers. But not for long. Bloggers are some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. This group rallies around each other and helps you navigate the rough waters. If you would like to join you can get 10% off my entering the code Val10. Just click the image below to find out more! 


Building a Framework

Building a Framework

Pin In 21

The first place I went to in order to find readers was Pinterest. I created a business account and learned how to use Pinterest. The course Pin In 21 taught me how to use Pinterest effectively. When I started I had zero followers and now I have over 7,000.

A great class to help you grow your blog with Pinterest!



Sovrn is an ad network where you are paid for the number of impressions an ad displays on your blog. It’s very simple. I copy an ad code and insert it into an Html/ad widget and Sovrn fills the ads. I’m VERY happy with Sovrn! The customer service is incredible!  A representative contacted me in the first week to help me along to see if I had any questions. She even set up a phone consult. She keeps in contact with me on a regular basis. I love the fact that the ads are clean as well.

sovrn Holdings, Inc.

I love being a Hope Writer!

I had a hard time calling myself a writer at first. But God has shown me I don’t need to shrink back from calling myself a writer. In fact, I love being able to call myself a Hope Writer. That is my heart. I want to write about the hope I find in Christ. And being in community with those who have the same heart, means the world to me.

Interacting with other Hope Writers, bloggers and authors has been such a blessing.  I feel like I have a backstage pass as I see other authors get published and learn the behind the scenes of a writer’s life. If you are a blogger or have any desire to write a book someday–this is the group to be a part of. I’ve had opportunities to be in small groups called a Hope Circles where I’ve learned about the process of writing a book proposal.

I’ve received opportunities to be on book launch teams where I’ve learned so much. The FB group is always active and the founders very involved and helpful. I’m pretty picky about where I spend my money, but this group is honestly a no-brainer for me.


I love Canva for making images. There are some great interactive tutorials to help you learn how to use it!

Are you interested in starting a blog? If you already have one, what are your favorite resources?  Let us know in the comment section below.

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