Before I started Cord of 6, I came across a few blogs I admired. Dawn Klinge’s Above the Waves was one of them. Little did I know that after I started blogging she would become a trusted friend of mine.
I was drawn to her blog title because I’ve always loved being near the ocean. Waves always remind me of the trials in life that can easily knock me down. We can’t control the waves. They faithfully crash in a timely pattern as I watch them on the shore.
I want to rise above the waves and not allow them to pull me under. I want to learn to keep my eyes on Jesus through them.
I loved Dawn’s book, Look to Jesus: How to Let Go of Worry and Trust God because she shares some of the trials she’s been through and how she learned to trust in the Lord through them.
She describes herself as being a planner and a goal setter and how she’s had to learn to trust in God when things are out of control.
She says,
Learning to accept that I can’t control and plan everything that happens to me, or to those I love, is how I’m learning to trust in Jesus.
And I so relate to that! So often I start to worry when I feel like I can’t control the outcome of a situation. I’ll think about all the worst case scenarios instead of trusting in God.
Dawn encourages us to trust in God during those times when we want to hold on to worry.
She writes in a way that is loving and easy to understand while clearly sharing the gospel message and explaining the meaning of Christian terms. I would feel comfortable giving this book to non-believers/new believers.
Our continued propensity to sin should remind us of our need for the gospel every day. And our response of gratitude and love is what should motivate us to want to do what God tells us to do, in obedience, as part of a loving relationship.
The chapters include:
- What trusting God looks like
- How do we trust God?
- Why God is Trustworthy (God is completely sovereign, God is infinite in wisdom, God is perfect in love)
We can trust God because of who he is. We know that he is sovereign (so he’s completely in control and able to carry out his plans). We know that he is infinite in wisdom (so he knows the best way to accomplish those plans). And we know that he is perfect in love and the gospel is the primary way that we see this, through his Son Jesus Christ, and his plan for our redemption.
- What is God’s purpose?
- Trusting God in the daily mundane
Worrying is a distraction that takes away from the life of peace and joy that God intended for us to have.
6. When life is hard
7. God’s unfailing faithfulness
Oftentimes, we try so hard to live the Christian lives on our own. But Dawn speaks to the truth that it’s the Holy Spirit that enables us to live in obedience to God.
The Holy Spirit in us is what enables us to live the life that we’re called to. We cannot do it by ourselves. Our ability to trust Jesus has never been about us and it never will be. That help that we need comes through the Holy Spirit.
When we ask the Holy Spirit to come in and change our hearts then we’ll learn the truth of what it means to trust in God.
Look to Jesus will help you understand why you can trust in God even when life doesn’t make sense.
If you would like to purchase Look to Jesus, you can buy it below.
Thank you for this – sounds like an encouraging book. This year anxiety has been a particular struggle, so I’m putting this book on my reading list 🙂