Do you feel like you’re too messed up for God to use you? Well, all you have to do is take a look at all the flawed men and women in the Bible and you’ll know that you’re not.
Less Than Perfect: Broken Men and Women of the Bible and What We Can Learn from Them by Ann Spangler, helps readers understand the real lives of broken people in the Bible.
Each chapter begins with a story and ends with a section titled, “The Times.” Here Spangler gives historical and cultural background to help the reader understand context. The stories use fictional techniques to create scenes and surroundings.
Each chapter concludes with “The Takeaway” with questions guiding readers to explore deeper.
I loved reading the story of Moses through the eyes of his sister Miriam.
“So Moses, a boy whom Pharaoh had tried to murder, grows up right under his nose, putting his feet up, living in his palace, eating his food, and getting the best education Egypt can offer. Whenever Miriam thinks of this, her pain eases. She laughs a little because it proves who is really in control.”
God uses a prostitute named Rahab to help hide the Israelites. In turn, they promise not to harm her when they invade Jericho.
I never thought of the Battle of Jericho from Rahab’s perspective as she listens to the trumpets sounding while the army marches around Jericho once a day for six days.
Then on the seventh day:
“Rahab’s small house tilts, cracks, and pitches slightly forward, but it does not fall. She prays that the spies will keep their word. As she sits inside her house, she hears a great clash of weapons and screams that chill her heart. Of all who lived inside its walls, only she and her family are spared.”
Spangler’s writing helped me see the bigger picture around some of the Bible stories I’ve read about my entire life. It was clear the author tried to keep the retelling of these stories as close to the biblical text as possible.
I received a free copy of this book from Booklook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review.
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