Are you frustrated because you're tired of being angry at your kids? Learn to use the tools God has given you to control your reactions.

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I felt defeated.

I just finished my devotions and spent time in God’s Word. Praying for patience. Praying for the ability to control my temper and not yell at my kids.

Less than 30 minutes later, all my efforts to remain calm were challenged.

It felt impossible.

I remember thinking that even if I found the most patient person in the world and gave them my four kids for a week, surely they would blow it too!

Have you been there?

Guess what? You have the tools to change!

I’m so excited to introduce a resource I know will help you implement change.

In Ruthie Gray’s book, Count to Nine, she gives practical ways to work through those moments when you feel like you just can’t manage anger.

I’ve had the privilege of getting to know Ruthie through several blogging groups. She has experience raising four kids (and now grandkids) and writes to encourage moms to keep pressing on. 

She’s even started a Facebook group called Mom Time Out that offers support, encouragement and accountability.

Each chapter in her book offers a Scripture Pillar (action scripture), a Plan of Attack, Power Packed Pillar Prayers and Heart Action. 

Ruthie gives practical action steps to implement changes and create new habits in the way we react.

Are you frustrated because you're tired of being angry at your kids? Learn to use the tools God has already given you to control your reactions.

She says,

“True wisdom is putting knowledge into ACTION. Moms have lots of ACTIONS throughout the day. We also have lots of REACTIONS.”

Each chapter will help you put the Three “C”’s based on Ephesians 4:26-27, into practice:

1. You’ll learn to curb your anger by doing something practical.

2. Confess when you blow it.

3. Cut the enemy out through power-packed pillar prayers!

This book crushes the self-defeating lies we tell ourselves that controlling our anger is just not possible.

“Mom, you have the tools to handle this! Click To Tweet

The believer possesses:

1. God’s Spirit

2. God’s Word

3. Access to God

4. God’s Power

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Each chapter felt like a pathway leading me through steps to work through anger. 

1. Embrace a correct view of anger

2. Recognize Trigger Points

3.  Envision Ideal Reaction

4.  Implement vision reaction

5.  Tackle Unbelief

6. Planning to Diffuse Stress

7.  Practice Accountability

8.  Establish Contentment

9.  Actively Thank

Anger is a valid emotion. It’s what we do with it that matters. But it takes time and patience to learn new ways of reacting.

“Don’t be held back by lack of faith that God can change your spewing habit—remember, He’s the God of the impossible!”

We don’t lack the ability to control our anger! God enables us to do what he asks of us in His word. Click To Tweet

Ruthie’s book is an excellent resource for moms looking to curb their anger! Don’t you feel like a Mad-Mom Make-Over? 

 BONUS!!!  As your gift with purchase, you will receive a beautiful, downloadable journal with Scripture cards!

You can purchase her book here:

Count to Nine

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