You may have seen Paula Faris on ABC News, Good Morning America, or The View. In her book, Called Out: Why I Traded Two Dream Jobs for a Life of True Calling
Faris shares what she learned about God and herself as she followed her dream to become a successful broadcast journalist.
This book will help you understand what it means to walk in God’s calling for your life and move past fear.
Faris examines the difference between our faith calling and our vocational calling.
“Everything we do (our vocational calling) serves as a vehicle to share who we are—people loved by God and called to love God and share his love with the people of this world (our faith calling.)”

I pursued a journalism career in college, but my fear of interviewing people held me back and I chose a different career path. I enjoyed reading how Faris overcame fear and followed her passion to write.
But the further she climbed up the vocational ladder, the more she realized she was no longer overcoming her fears but fueling them. She found her identity in success.
“In those years, my vocation had begun to define me.”
“If you’ve lost sight of your faith calling or if you haven’t pursued your vocational calling, ask yourself why. Is it possible that you’ve allowed fear to take root?”
At one point Feris was working weekends on Good Morning America and weekdays at The View without a day off.
“I never asked whether God was actually pleased with the way I was working. I never stopped to ask why God brought me into the field of journalism.”
Her schedule took an overwhelming toll on her marriage, kids, and her own health. After a series of tragic circumstances, she had no choice but to slow down. God was prompting her to focus on her faith calling and change her priorities.
She stepped down from two dream jobs and followed her faith calling.
Today she is the host of ABC’s popular podcast, Journeys of Faith.
“I didn’t appreciate the difference between who I was made to be and what I did. I didn’t know that I was already enough for the God who loved me, that I didn’t have to prove myself to him—or to anyone else, for that matter. I didn’t recognize how my career was just the vehicle by which I’d show God’s love to the world around me, and the pace I was traveling, I never would have discovered this truth. I needed to slow down.”
I received a free copy of this book from Bethany House in exchange for my honest review.