The Loudest Roar by Judy Dunagan helps readers stand in the unshakeable victory God has already won for them.

“Even though we know deep down that our God reigns and His victory is ours, we often live defeated–consumed with fear, temptation, doubt, resentment, or bitterness—as the powers of darkness target our ministries, marriages, and families.”

Dunagan shares scriptural truths, personal examples, and other testimonies in her writing.

Part one of the book focuses on Jesus as our interceding Savior who dwells with us in our trials. Dunagan shares about a difficult time in her life when her mother battled Alzheimer’s. Two years before she passed, she found a note her mother had written: “I’m fading away, but Jesus is keeping me every day.”

The Loudest Roar by Judy Dunagan helps readers stand in the unshakeable victory God has already won for them.

I read this part of the book during half-time at my daughter’s soccer game. The day before, I talked with a mom on the team about her mother’s recent Alzheimer’s diagnosis. She was struggling with the progressing symptoms she saw her mother dealing with. I felt the Lord wanted me to share that every time she felt afraid, she could repeat, “Though my mom is fading away, the Lord is keeping her every day.”

It’s encouraging to know the Lord is always working in our lives! Even when life is difficult, he keeps us!

The book’s second part speaks of God’s victory when we are afraid, tempted, and believing lies.

“We too often retreat in defeat when we let ourselves believe that the enemy is bigger, stronger, and more powerful than our Lord Jesus Christ.”

“The enemy’s roar is often loudest when tempting followers of Jesus not to trust God’s goodness and faithfulness anymore.”

The last part of the book shows us how we can use the mighty roars of God’s Word, His armor, and prayer in our battles.

She writes how lamenting prayers draw us closer to God. Like Dunagan, some of my sweetest moments with God occurred through my “weeping wrestling prayers.”

Each chapter ends with a prayer, The Roar of His Word (a scripture verse), and a worship song that ties in with the chapter. This is a great book to deepen your spiritual walk and find strength in God.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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