Today, it is my honor to introduce you to my friend Dawn Klinge. Before I started blogging, Dawn’s writing at Above the Waves  offers hope for us to rise above the waves of hard times. I had the joy of meeting Dawn this Spring and was so blessed. The same calmness I saw shining through her eyes in her bio picture, is the same peace I witnessed in person. Dawn writes to proclaim the truth of the Bible and loves to study doctrine. 

Do you long to love your spouse better? Discover the simple key that can transform your marriage and help you love your spouse.

Guest Post by Dawn Klinge at Above The Waves

When I have learnt to love God better than my earthly dearest, I shall love my earthly dearest better than I do now. CS Lewis

The more we love God, the better we are at loving people.  Our individual relationship with God needs to take priority over our relationships with each other- even our spouse.

When we are in a close relationship with God, the Holy Spirit works in our hearts.  We see the fruit of that work in qualities such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. Galatians 5:22 (ESV)


Maybe it sounds strange to say that the secret to a better marriage is in loving someone else even more than your spouse- but it’s true.  God IS love:  the author and creator, and the ultimate source.  It’s through a relationship with God, that we learn how to love better and are then able to pour out that love into others.

The love of God is a supernatural love that transforms us. Share on X

If we want our marriage to be transformed, the best way to see that happen is to draw closer to God.

Do you long to love your spouse better? Discover the simple key that can transform your marriage and help you love your spouse.

How do we make our relationship with God our first priority?  We can do that by establishing daily habits that include prayer, time in God’s Word, and worship. 

It’s also important to place ourselves in community with other people who love God, people who will encourage us and keep us accountable. 

I’m thankful to be married to someone who loves God more than he loves me.  I’m happy that my husband encourages me to love God more than I love him.  We’re both still works in progress but I can say, without a doubt, that as we’ve both grown closer to God, our marriage has gotten better.  I trust God- that he is working in my husband’s life and that he is working in mine.   That gives me tremendous hope for the future of our marriage.

The secret to loving your spouse better is simple.  Love God more.


Dawn is a freelance writer and Christian blogger who loves encouraging women to keep their focus on Jesus.  She’s the author of Look to Jesus:  How to Let Go of Worry and Trust God.  She’s a wife and mom to two teens.  A Seattle girl, she loves books and coffee. You can find her at Above the Waves. FacebookInstagramTwitter.  

Look to Jesus

You can read my review of Dawn’s book here.

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