Mickey Robinson was a nineteen-year-old professional skydiver when a plane crash left him with catastrophic injuries. In Supernatural Courage, Robinson shares how his near-death experience helped him discover spiritual bravery and live his life empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Robinson uses biblical examples, interviews, Bible promises, and prayers to inspire believers to live boldly for Christ.

The chapter titles are a good representation of what this book offers:

1. Courage to Hope

2. Courage to Follow Jesus

3. Courage to be Humble

4. Courage to Fight

5. Courage to Strengthen Yourself

6. Courage to Persevere

7. Courage to Use Spiritual Gifts

8. Courage to Succeed

9. Courage to Forgive

10. Courage to Love

11. Courage to Go The Distance

“If you are in the midst of something that is troubling to you, instead of asking the question, “Why” why not ask, “Who?” Jesus is the Who who can help you. He is the wisdom born from above. He binds up the brokenhearted, he restores our souls and leads us in the everlasting way. He is the Way. He came to give us life and that more abundantly. Abide in Him. He is the God of all comfort.”

In Supernatural Courage, Robinson shares how his near-death experience helped him discover spiritual bravery and live his life empowered by the Holy Spirit.

In the chapter Courage to Use Spiritual Gifts, it was helpful to read that it’s normal to struggle with what the Holy Spirit leads us to do. 

“What if I’m wrong? What if it doesn’t work? Is it really the Holy Spirit, or just me? This is the rapid swirl of thoughts that can crowd and confuse your mind when you are endeavoring to move in any of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is not always tormenting fear that we are dealing with, but rather rational thinking about the natural circumstances.”

Robinson explains how some churches embrace all the gifts of the Holy Spirit while others teach “that there is no longer the need to use some of the main spiritual gifts.”

I have always attended a nondenominational church and it was interesting to read about the use of some spiritual gifts I am not familiar with.

I started reading this book feeling a bit stuck and unmotivated and by the end, I felt inspired by the power of the Holy Spirit to move forward in faith and joy.

“The Spirit realm is unearthly. God does not call us to what we can do, but rather what we cannot do–without Him. The assignments our Lord has for us are the most ambitious and oftentimes the most precarious endeavors of any human experience.”

“God grants us the ability to be patient in these times of waiting, and this patience builds our character. The courage that we receive comes directly from God. Perseverance takes a tough kind of courage. We must keep our eyes on the Lord and not grow faint or let weariness cause us to despair or give up.”

I received a free copy of this book from Chosen in exchange for my honest review.

May I encourage you never to be afraid of what the Holy Spirit wants you to do. Just do it! #SupernaturalCourage Share on X


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