When author Kim Erickson’s three-year-old son died from strep throat in 2008, she turned to the Lord for help. Jesus’ last words to his disciples before his death brought her comfort and changed her life. 

His Last Words: What Jesus Taught and Prayed in His Final Hours is a 7-week Bible Study guiding readers verse by verse through John 13-17. Each week includes five lessons and ends with reflection and prayer. 

I enjoyed the format of this study which breaks down each verse and provides an area to write what the verse reveals about God. The author gives helpful biblical insight at the beginning of each week and at the end of every lesson.

His Last Words is a 7-week Bible Study leading readers through what Jesus taught the disciples in John 13-17.

“As a grieving mother, I cling to these verses. I would repeat His promises until the pain subsided: My grief will be turned into joy. My heart will rejoice because I will get to see my son again when I get to see Jesus in heaven. As long as I have my Helper, the Spirit of Truth, no one and nothing can take my joy from me.”

One truth this study helped me reflect upon was how obedience to the Lord is an expression of our love for God. In John 14:31 Jesus says, “but I do as the Father has commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father.” 

Just as Jesus’ obedience to the Father showed His love, our obedience shows our love for God and also brings us joy.

“The Creator of the universe loves you so much that He wants you to abide in Him so He can abide in you. He wants you to obey out of love, not fear, control, or power, but out of love.”

The questions throughout the study help you reflect on the character of God and deepen your relationship with Him.

I received a free copy of this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for my honest review.


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