Promises to Fill your Spiritual Cup

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When I was 19 I became very sick and went to the doctor several times only to be sent home with “the flu.”

When my legs became so weak that I could barely walk, I knew it had to be more than just a bad case of the seasonal flu. I went back to the doctor, desperate and pleading for answers. The scale showed a loss of 14 pounds in two weeks. It turns out I had Salmonella food poisoning and was immediately sent to the ER for dehydration.

Have you ever felt spiritually dehydrated?

Do you ever feel spiritually dehydrated? Learn how to be nourished with God's word and fill your spiritual cup with the 40 promises of the cross.

When my four children were 7 and under, I remember thirsting to have time in God’s word. I felt desperate for strength. I longed for my relationship with God to grow deeper, but I never seemed to have uninterrupted time to dig into the Word. I recall praying for my baby to sleep just a little longer so that I could fill my spiritual cup, if only for a few minutes.

When my daughter woke up she was hungry and ready to be fed. To be nourished.

Just like a child needs to have milk, we need to be nourished with God’s word. Share on X

Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation. 1 Peter 2:2

I believe God understands that moms of young children are super busy and exhausted. During these busy seasons in our life, it’s not about the amount of time, necessarily, but that our hearts are still seeking to be filled and satisfied by the Lord.

I felt so desperate for quiet time with God that I began getting up before the kids at 5:30 a.m. I know this isn’t for every mom, so there’s no judgment for the mom who just needs sleep.

If getting up early doesn’t work for you, just try and find some time to read scripture and pray (even listen to it while driving).

Getting up early became a habit for me that I still love to this day (12 years later). I look forward to my quiet mornings with the Lord (and a cup of coffee, of course!). 

I also love to keep a prayer journal. I have prayer journals all the way back from my high-school years.

There’s something special about writing your prayers out to God. I love reading them and seeing how God answered my prayers and walked with me through trials. It truly is a testament to God’s faithfulness!

Promises of The Cross



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