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When I was 19 I became very sick and went to the doctor several times only to be sent home with “the flu.”
When my legs became so weak that I could barely walk, I knew it had to be more than just a bad case of the seasonal flu. I went back to the doctor, desperate and pleading for answers. The scale showed a loss of 14 pounds in two weeks. It turns out I had Salmonella food poisoning and was immediately sent to the ER for dehydration.
Have you ever felt spiritually dehydrated?
When my four children were 7 and under, I remember thirsting to have time in God’s word. I felt desperate for strength. I longed for my relationship with God to grow deeper, but I never seemed to have uninterrupted time to dig into the Word. I recall praying for my baby to sleep just a little longer so that I could fill my spiritual cup, if only for a few minutes.
When my daughter woke up she was hungry and ready to be fed. To be nourished.
Just like a child needs to have milk, we need to be nourished with God’s word. Share on X
Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation. 1 Peter 2:2
I believe God understands that moms of young children are super busy and exhausted. During these busy seasons in our life, it’s not about the amount of time, necessarily, but that our hearts are still seeking to be filled and satisfied by the Lord.
I felt so desperate for quiet time with God that I began getting up before the kids at 5:30 a.m. I know this isn’t for every mom, so there’s no judgment for the mom who just needs sleep.
If getting up early doesn’t work for you, just try and find some time to read scripture and pray (even listen to it while driving).
Getting up early became a habit for me that I still love to this day (12 years later). I look forward to my quiet mornings with the Lord (and a cup of coffee, of course!).
I also love to keep a prayer journal. I have prayer journals all the way back from my high-school years.
There’s something special about writing your prayers out to God. I love reading them and seeing how God answered my prayers and walked with me through trials. It truly is a testament to God’s faithfulness!
Amen, Valerie!
Thank you for the reminder and the encouragement to get into the Word to be filled back up. I never spend time at the feet of Jesus without being filled!
You are a blessing~
I love spending time in the mornings. After breakfast the kids play, I put in my earbuds and turn on some praise and worship. I read my Bible and prayer. I also have a prayer journal and love it as well!
Love your post, so encouraging!
Thank you, Sarah! I love to hear about how people find time to spend with God. Listening to praise music is a great way to set our minds on the Lord.
I so agree, Valerie! His nourishment is like no other. The discipline to find and make the time in whatever way works for each of us is key and absolutely necessary. That time has shifted through the seasons of my life from when our children were young, teens, and beyond. Now that I am retired, I have the luxury of more time, but I still need to be watchful for all the things that could pull me away if the discipline does not stay in place. Happy to be your neighbor at the Linkup at 100 Happy Days.
I think you made such a great point. Sometimes our time with God will change depending on the season of life we are in. But it will always take discipline to make that time no matter what season we are in.
Love this Valerie. I love my morning study and a cup of coffee or three too. Some mornings are interrupted when I keep one of my grandsons because he comes so early, but I fit it in during his naps. I love what you are doing. I do much of mine on-line through an on-line Bible study. Your prayer journals sound awesome. Thanks for sharing.
That’s awesome Debbie. And I’m with you on the on-going cups of coffee, lol.
This is such a good resource for really spending time learning to spend quiet time with God – thank you for sharing it with #theCozyReadingSpot
Hope to see you again tomorrow
Thank you for taking the time to read this Marissa. God bless you!
I find that teaching my kids to have quiet time the same time I am is also helpful. It’s not always as focussed as I want it to be, but it helps with the craziness of life when nothing else seems to work. I tweeted your tweets! Great points. The devotional looks wonderful too.
Thank you for sharing Tara! What a great idea! I think kids love to model us and you’re teaching them such a great habit. Good for you!
I can relate to the not-having-time-but-want-it-so-badly!! I have an eighteen month old toddler and really struggle to find time. I started waking up at 4:30 (with coffee of course) just to have 20 minutes of quiet uninterrupted time to read the Word, but it is difficult sometimes to get myself so far to stand up. Thank you for this encouragement!
I know it’s so hard. Good for you for trying. Keep it up and give yourself grace.
I love this resource from Arabah too! It has been so encouraging to me recently!
I’m so glad you like it too Victoria!
“During these busy seasons in our life, it’s not about the amount of time, necessarily, but that our hearts are still seeking to be filled and satisfied by the Lord.” This is SO good. I am actually literally tearing up reading this because our time with Lord is such an honor and so, so precious. I just recently started using the First 5 app for mornings, and then sometime throughout the day I am currently using Beth Moore’s “Whispers of Hope” Devotional/Journal. I have been blessed by both and just staying connected to the Lord throughout the day has been something that I am working on. Thank you for sharing!! -xx Anna
Thank you for sharing Anna! I’m so glad this was an encouragement to you. Some other people have mentioned the First 5 App too. I’m going to have to check that out. I love journals and I’m currently doing a Beth Moore study–so I’ll have to look up that devotional journal too! Blessings to you!
Great words! I can relate to being a busy mom lol! I have started getting up at 5:30am and I am NOT a morning person lol!
I’m not a morning person either! I mean don’t even talk to me until I’ve had my cup of coffee! Maybe that’s why I crave that time so much, because I know I need it!
Thought provoking for us slackers. I’ve been slipping and not spending as much time in the Word as I should. Thanks for the motivation to kick my butt into gear.
Lol, Michelle! Love you!
You are so very right! Reading and studying the Bible gives us great insight into who God is and how he wants us to live. I like to think of the Bible as God’s way of keeping us on mission with Jesus!
So true, Matthew! I love that there is always something to learn from the Bible and that I’m still learning new things that amaze me!
I know that when I get up early and spend time with the Lord, I feel so much better all day. Lately I have been sleeping in a little more because my co-sleeping toddler has been waking me up more often, but I still crave that time with Him. Thanks for sharing that prayer journal!
Thank you for your comment, Miranda. I know what you mean about craving that quiet time in the morning! Have a great day!
This is so true as moms we can get so busy that we forget we need to recharge!! I follow Proverbs 31 ministries first five app and that is how long my quiet time takes me is five minutes but most days I go deeper.
Thank you for sharing that ap, Miranda!
I have three kids four years old and under, and boy do I know what you mean! The time change just happened, and I think I might actually be able to get up really early soon! Woohoo! But for now, I have my Bible time either during the day while the kids are playing well together or at night right after they go to sleep. I still feel the need to regulate it though. I have been thinking about doing Arabah’s 40 promises of the cross prayer journal. I too have prayer journals from high school! One of my goals this year is to reorganize them on my book shelf by date. I actually typed them all out a few years ago. They have turned into a special resource to look back on my life and enjoy it all over again! Sorry for such a long comment!
That’s so neat that you have kept your journals and also typed them all out. Mine are all over the place (in attics, under beds and in cabinets, lol).Do you ever start journals and then never finish them and buy a new one? I’ve done that a lot. There’s just something I love about new journals, lol. I think you would enjoy the prayer journal. I printed the pages out and put them in a binder. You read one verse a day and write it out. Then there’s an area to write out your prayer.
And BTW I love long comments. Thank you!
Tears… tears…. more tears… thank you. I needed these little reminders today. This season is tough. I keep thinking it should get easier— but it only seems to get worse. Your and Alison’s posts this week hit home with me. Is it next week yet?
Awe, Kate…I know this season can be so hectic and busy. It can be SO hard to have uninterrupted time…EVEN when you try. Hang in there friend! Hugs!
yes! so true only God and his word can completely fill us up!
Thank you for visiting Mihaela!
I think these are some wonderful solutions for busy moms. Thanks for sharing!!!
Thank you, Tif!
I wish I would have realized this truth sooner – that of letting go the high devotional expectations and claiming what time I had for prayer and Scripture memorization. I realize now that God was blessing what little time I did spend in His Word and that He wasn’t the one who placed those expectations on me – I was!
Good thoughts – and as I got older I got up earlier too – with my cup of coffee so I’m feelin ya, sis!
“Claiming what time we have for prayer and memorization.” We may not have a lot of time..but we can claim the time we have! Love that!
Such a great analogy of our desperate need to be filled. We’re clay, porous vessels and we dry out quickly. Thanks for sharing your story and encouragement.
I love the comparison to clay. We dry out quickly and sure need to be filled daily with His Word!
A follow up! Hey guys, the Bible states to ask and receive. So I am asking that you check out my sites, let me know what you think, and give me some ideas also.
You never know until you ask and support is what I need. Thank you so much. I have my Christian Network Blog and https://thewomanspost.com, the latter has subjects and materail that all women (most) care about with personal growth. I would love to see you there.
Thank you,
Wonderful testimony and great advice for all of us. I too have been in the same fix, though not with little children as I am older. However, with life things we can often neglect that which will make us stronger. I pray a lot (not always on my knees, but in my thoughts), but I had neglected reading as much of God’s word as possible. At the beginning of 2016, I decided I would read the Word prior to starting my workday online. I pulled up this bible: https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/, put it first in my lineup bookmarks.
This comes first, I read the daily scripture given, go to the chapter or any other chapter to read. I CAN TELL A DIFFERENCE in myself, my attitude, and feel strength that I was really needing. While praying to be more like Christ and going to the Word I keep learning new and important aspects of God’s will within my life.
Thank you for posting this reminder to all of us.
Oh, Linda, I love that you shared the link and your daily reading routine. I’m sure it will be a help for some women to find a way to immerse themselves in God’s Word. I always can tell a difference in myself as well when I spend time with God. It’s my necessary fuel for the day for sure!
What a positive word today, Valerie!
Thanks for sharing about your time with the Lord and encouraging others to spend time with Jesus.
There is nothing better or more significant that we can do each day!
Sure am blessed by you and your ministry!
Thank you for your kind words and friendship Melanie! I pray you have a blessed day!
Hey Valerie!
I always marvel when women say that they weren’t initially a morning person and then they set their alarm very early one day and it stuck. I’m also very envious of those women. I wish it were me! Not sure if that will ever be my case, but right now I have my quiet time in the morning. I used to do it at night, but I noticed that depending on what happened in the day, I might not get to it.
Hi Tiffiney,
It can be hard to find that uninterrupted time when you are a busy tired momma! I love how gracious the Lord is and gently stirs in our hearts the desire to seek Him to fill our cups. Your visits are always a blessing to me Tiffiney!