During the opening session at the West Coast Christian Writers Conference, we were asked to stand up and say to the person next to us, “I am a writer.” It was then I realized I wasn’t the only one who struggled to call myself a writer.

Almost everyone I met battled some degree of writing fear. Some were published authors wanting to start a blog or venture into public speaking. Others sent manuscripts for critique for the first time or had an appointment to pitch a book idea with an agent/editor.

No matter where we were on our journey, we were immediately bonded by the commonality of being writers and needing to press through fear.

Here are 5 ways to overcome fear and start writing!

1. Find Writing Community 

A great way to do this is by attending a writing conference. I love the WCCW Conference and the Mount Hermon Christian Writer’s Conference!

Another way is to join a writing community.  My favorite writing group is Hope Writers. They are opening their doors on January 22nd! Find out why I love Hope Writer’s HERE.

A writing group is a great place to sharpen your skills and get helpful advice from those who may be further ahead of you on the writing journey.

2. Create a Mission Statement for your Blog/Book/Business and Support It with a Bible Verse

A mission statement will remind you of your purpose when you feel like giving up. Here’s a free interactive tutorial to help you craft yours. Mine is based on Psalm 71:16-19.

3. Write Down Your Daily/Weekly Writing Goals

Setting goals helps stop procrastination that is rooted in fear.

4. Read and Memorize These Scriptures

2 Corinthians 3:3-6, Philippians 4:13 and 2 Timothy 3:16-17. 

When you feel inadequate, hush your inner critic and remember—the word of God equips and trains you for every good work.

5. Start Writing

“I don’t think you have time to waste not writing because you are afraid you won’t be good at it.” -Ann Lamott, Bird by Bird

I hope these tips help you pursue your writing dreams with confidence.

*This article first appeared in the West Coast Christian Writers Newsletter

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