Slaying the Gian of Fear by Krissy Nelson helps readers fight fear by sharing three supernatural weapons David used to defeat Goliath.

The first part of the book shares the problem of fear and how we need to recognize it and face it with truth.

Fear tries to redirect our focus from Jesus and onto our circumstances.

“Moving us away from truth, fear takes us down a path of distortion and false realities that cements its control over our lives.”

Facing fear requires “battle line moments” in our lives when we choose to “either partner with our flesh and flee in fear or partner with the Spirit of the living God inside us, who makes us victorious in battle.”

I loved how the author used personal experience and biblical examples showing us how obedience, faithfulness, and stewardship empower us to breakthrough fear.

After facing fear in my own life and spending years researching and writing about fear, I found her points to be spot on.

“Walking in obedience is essentially our agreement with God’s heart for us. It is our compliance with His nature and will for the earth.”


Slaying the Giant of Fear by Krissy Nelson helps readers fight fear by sharing three supernatural weapons David used to defeat Goliath.

I loved how the author didn’t shame feelings but instead helped the reader to not be afraid to be afraid.

“Let’s break agreement right now that lie that says, “If I fear then I don’t have faith.” It is when we begin to allow ourselves to feel what we feel that we can begin to address it, move on, and shift our perspective.”

“Facing fear feels unnatural or wrong because looking fear in the eye is not something we do naturally. It is however, something we do supernaturally, by the Spirit.”

When we are faithful we develop a deep trust in the Lord.

Obedience empowers our faith and establishes a lifestyle of faithfulness.

“Faithfulness not only slays the giant of fear in our lives as we press forward in all that God has for us, but it also produces strength in us.”

Satan will try and discourage us from stewarding God’s call on our life, but if we are obedient the Lord will help us focus on Him and our purpose.

“Stewardship is a weapon because it means we realize God owns everything.”

This book was easy to read and gave solid spiritual insights from the Bible.

I was given a free copy from Chosen in exchange for my honest review.

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